Chapter 7

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"You ready to die!" Dash yells at me. I stand, back against the wall, sinks to my left, mirror in the wall next to me and stalls to my right, across from the door, the only exit.
I raise an eyebrow, "You can kill someone twice?" The word, or course, just falling out of my mouth. Ugh I don't even care anymore.
Dash was confused. "You're soooooo funny Fenton. But you forgot the punch line!" A truck rams into my stomach all at once and I fall to the floor. I try to catch my breath but it's like I'm choking on air.
I can hear dash's laugh in the background. "Oh wow you must have gotten weaker! Oh you are such a fucking idiot Fenton!"
"I'm the idiot." I clamp my teeth and stand up quickly, punching up right in the jaw. He wobbles backwards by the impact and looks back at me.
"Oh ho ho." He growls, walking back at me, "You're gonna wish you didn't do that!" He goes and punches me in the stomach again, causing me to fall over again, but his knee was between me and the floor and he slams it right into my stomach again. He grabs the back of my shirt and picks me up and slams be face-first into the wall.
"Have you learned your lesson yet!?" He growls. I go to say yes hit my mouth refuses to open.
"Here's an idea." A voice slices through the silence directly into my skull. "Fight back."
"Huh?" I mumble.
"You heard me." The familiar voice snaps. "Put him in his place." That voice! It was my friend. I close my eyes painfully, I can't listen to him again. I can't, I won't!
"Well?" Dash snaps. I open my mouth again but I still can't respond! I open my eyes to see the smile reflected in the tiles and soon my entire world goes from all green and grey to all red and grey. My skin is numb, pines and needles and itches just under the surface of my skin overload my brain.
"Why would I be done..." I chuckle, my mouth moving on its own and my voice not my own. "We are just getting started, Baxter!"
"Huh!?" He growls. "What you think you are so tough!?" He pushes me into the tiles harder, my face smooshed against it.
I laugh, but don't respond. Then my body floods over in autopilot and I lift up my foot and kick Dash in the shins hard.
"Mother fucker!" He screams. "That hurt Fenton!"
"Did it really?" I laugh maniacally. "I didn't even notice!" I don't know what was happening and I didn't even know if I liked it! It was happening weather or not I wanted it to, I at lest knew that. I lunged at Dash again and punched him in the face hard. He stumbled and I grabbed his foot and flipped him onto his head. He screams in pain and lies on his back. I began to laugh, and I mental smile grew in my actual head. This auto picket thing was beginning to be fun!
"You are so de-" I cover Dash's mouth before he can finish. He is squirming and gets up, throwing me against the wall. "You're insane Fenton!" He screams.
I laugh and laugh and laugh and walk up to him and I throw him into the sinks. He gets up, struggling against the slippery floor and I grab him by the hair, and then bash his head into the sink once. He screams as blood flows from his nose, I just laugh and throw him into the wall, the mirror shattering onto him. Kneeling on the floor, he looks at his shredded hands.
"Y-Y-You're crazy!" He screams loudly.
"And you're a bully." I smile and grab his collar and drag him into one of the stalls, and grab his head. I push it into the toilet, face first and watch laughing as he struggles to breathe. He flails but can't get enough leverage to make me stop. I lift up his head quickly and slam it back it, then I grab the toilet seat, which was up, and slam it down onto his head and shoulders. He screams.
"DANNY STOP!" Someone screams but I don't care. I was having fun, this auto puppet was amazing. Pulling Dash back up, I feel someone grab my hand and pull me, the autopilot feeling slipping it out of me.
"NO STOP!" I screams. "LET ME GO HELP HELP HELP!" I scream and pull against the person. I pull so hard that they fall in front of me and I'm free. I go to jump over them and finish what I stated when they grab my foot and I fall flat on my face.
"DANNY WAKE UP!!" They scream loudly.
"NO I WANT IT BACK!" I scream. "I WANT HIM DEAD I WANT IT BACK!" The world is still red and my hands and clothes are covered in blood, probably mine.
"DANNY GET A GRIP!" I feel a quick slap to my face and the world goes back to green. I feel dizzy and out of it, what just happened again? Something about Dash I think.
"Danny?" Someone says. I look over to see Sam on the floor next to me, someone cuts and scratches on her arm. She is breathing heavily, the floor coveted with water. I look over into a stall to see Dash lying on the floor, blood mixing with the water.
"Is he dead?" I ask, shaking uncontrollably.
"I don't think so." Sam sits up slowly.
"Glad he's not dead," something snaps in my head. "Then you would have to deal with him for all of eternity and beating him up is so much fun."
I smile, it was fun. Super fun. Wait what was fun? What happened?
"Danny." Sam gets up and extends her hand to me, "Let's get you home."
I nod and get up, we leave the bathroom to find students and teachers gathered, all staring and judging me.
I wish I was invisible. I wish I was dead. I wish I could get that feeling back.





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