Chapter 14

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"Danny, if you're going to sulk, please do it in the ghost zone." Someone says. I don't look up, my name wasn't mine anymore so what's the point. No one ever calls me that. No one ever calls me anything anymore. So I just keep staring through my old bedroom wall with blank, sad eyes.
"Yo Ghost bro!" I see something wave in front of my face but it still takes me a bit to notice I was staring at me.
I was staring at him.
"Dude if you wanna sulk just go to the ghost zone!" He pouts to the door and I slowly follow his finger.
I shake my head slowly.
"It's been three years, I win! You're dead so just die already! Go towards the light you dipstick."
I shrugs unevenly.
"GAH!" He screams. "You're bumming me out what will it take for you to leave!"
I cocked my head, what was he talking about?
His face turned red, "You were supposed to leave that's how this works! It's creepy when I make out with your girlfriend and your their watching!"
I return to a bored stare. She's not my girlfriend.
He goes to punch me but remembers I can't be touched and then doesn't. Simple. He just stands there bubbling in rage.
"I'm supposed to win! You're supposed to loose!" He shouts. "I'm the ghosts of all ghosts and I always-"
"Danny?" A nock on the door sounds. I turn my head slightly, still uninterested.
"C-Come in?" Danny stutters as he falls into his bed.
Jazz peaks in, "Who are you yelling at?"
"I was on the phone." He says quickly. "Tuck and I were making a funny scene."
"Um... Okay?" She blushes. "Anyways mom and dad want you to drive me back to collage in a few days, can ya do it?"
"I can." Danny growls. "Weather or not I want to is different."
"Just consider it, okay?" Jazz smiles innocently as she closes the door. She's never been the same since I died- almost died, I mean.
"ARG I hate that bitch." Danny punches the bed. "I thought being seventeen would be fun but Jazz sucks the fun out of everything!"
For a second, I could feel my heart jolt in my chest. Jazz wasn't a bitch! She was awesome and kind. Probably the best sister ever. I love her more than anything and anyone! How dare he-
But then the feeling left, I don't care anymore.
My ears picked up a soft buzzing sound and j see Danny leap for his phone and hit answer quickly, like he always did.
"Yo Sammy Bear." He calls slickly into the phone, biting his lower lip like a prick. "What's up?"
"Oh nothing." I can hear Sam through the phone easily, it was like she was in the room. But I don't care either way. Who would care. Caring means nothing anyways.
"You wanna maybe hang out tonight? My parents are going out and we have the whole house to ourselves. You know... Especially my bedroom."
There was a pause which was expected. Danny kept trying to fuck Sam but Sam didn't want to. It was like a movie, a boring movie where everything was predictable. The asshole never gets the girl. If he wants her, he has to change. Meh... They'll figure it out.
"Uh... No... I'm... I'm busy." Sam stutters.
"Oh c'mon you're a mature girl." He chuckles softly and seductively into the phone. "We've been going out for a year it natural to get a little cozy with each other."
"Danny I really don't want to." I can hear her voice getting and edge to it, like she was worried. "If this is your idea of a relationship maybe we aren't right for each other."
"Okay okay I'll lay off." He smirks, Danny's eyes flashing red. "You still wanna hang out tonight though? We could watch a movie."
"That sounds... Fun." She says unconvincingly. "My house?"
"Mine? At 7?"
"I have a bigger screen so my house. Come over now."
Then the line went flat.
"You're not invited." He shouts and I look up to see he was pointing at me.
I stared back.
"Fuck off you cunt." He grinds his teeth. "You're just sticking around to feel alive again. What a gross thing to do, just fuck off already."
I just float there, I could guess his words would hurt most people hit everything I knew about emotions was drained out of me a long long time ago. My voice was as broken as my mind.
"Ugcht." He grubs on his leather jacket. "You are disgusting." I still don't answer, I just let myself float along with him as he walked down the hall, grabbing the keys. And leaving with out so much as a good bye.
The ride was short, walking would have been even faster without the lights but he didn't ask me. He walks up the steps and tries the door knob before actually ringing the doorbell. He leans against the frame and pulls out his phone, letting the December winds bite at him. The door opens and Nancy stood there, glaring at him.
"Oh Danny," she says underwhelmed, "Please come in."
"Kay." Danny puts away his phone and wails inside, shaking the show off of his boots slightly before trudging through the house.
"Sam's downstairs," Nancy says as she walks up the stairs.
"Yo Sammy Bear." Danny says as he hops down the states into the screening room/bowling alley.
"Hey Danny," Sam smiles, she sits on the couch and Danny jump next to her.
"What movie?" Danny asks but all Sam does is hit play and the lights flicker off.
Even though it was dark, I could see everything. The way he glared at me, but I didn't care. I was just watching, I had nothing better to do. He eventually forgets I'm there and puts his arm around Sam and she leans into him, someone screaming about some limb getting shoved into some kitchen appliance.
But I was more interested in the movie is been watching for 3 years then the one that just started. Danny pulled Sam uncomfortable close, and was reaching one hand farther down her shoulder and had one placed on her upper thigh but she didn't even seem to notice. He slid his hand up a little more on her leg., causing her to shift uncomfortably and pull away a little. But Danny held his hand around her throat tighter and rescued his hand under her shirt onto her stomach.
"Danny I talked about this." She moved away to the other side of the the couch. "I'm not ready."
I felt my heart break a little when she said that. But why? It made no sense.
"But I am." He hops closer to her. "It's not fair that because you're 'scared' means that I can't do what I want."
"That's not how a relationship works!" Sam gets up. "What has happened to you!? You've been so much meaner since the accident, I don't get it!"
"Wow." I- he gets up. "I can't believe you felt that way and stared dating me!"
"You were sweet for a while." Sam bit her red lip and played with he long black hair. "But lately you've been even more different."
"Listen up cupcake." He aid with a dark tone. "I've died more than once and this by far is my suckiest life. So if I wanna do something I'll do it. And what I wanna do is you!"
"Well I won't let you!" Sam turn and ran but I was already in front of her. He was. Not me. I'm dead. I'm here and I'm dead and there is nothing I can do about anything happening here.
Danny grabs a thin blanket and shoves it into her mouth the pins her too the floor.
"Danny!" I can hear Sam scream through the blanket, tears in her eyes.
Nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do-
"Oh Danny?" He laughs. "Yeah that sucker has been dead for three years. The names Mayhem, and I've fucked girls wayyy prettier than you. But since Danny had no social life, you had to do."
"WHAT!?" Sam screams has he pulled up her shirt while kneeling on her hands.
"You might say I'm just Danny's dead body being possessed but I like thinking of it as revamped, you know?" He stared into her deep, violet eyes with an insane twist to them.
"Oh well, guess I'll have to kill you after I'm done with you, can't have you blabbing and I want you to be with Danny o Dear in the after life. Maybe then he'll leave me alone!"
Sam was to shocked to respond, Danny began to kiss her neck as she struggled and screamed to the best of her ability with the blanket far in her throat.
Nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do nothing I can do-
There has to be something! couldn't let something happen to Sam. My heart began to pump and break all at once, my eyes flooded with tears and my skin cracked as my cheeks drowned with the tears. I could feel everything. Everything. I wouldn't let Sam suffer because I was to weak to fight against the pull of life.
"Sam." My voice was crackly and unused. It hurt to even take a breath. But I did anyways. And I clenched my teeth and all at once my entire existence felt like it was going to shatter.
"SAAAAAMMM!" My voice had a whole gallons worth of power to it and the world befane to shatter around me. An arrow of green broke from my mouth and threw the room into chaos. Mayhem was thrown from Sam and she held her ears with her new free hands.
"No." He coughs. "Impossible."
I could feel it, I was visible. My skin had a green haze to it and my hair was blank white.
"I WONT LET YOU HURT HER ANYMORE!" I screamed and dove at him.




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