Chapter 16

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"So?" The ghoul plays with his tuff of hair.
"Bring me to Clockwork!" I command.
The ghoul turns his burning red eyes up to glare at me. "Why would I do anything for you?"
"Because you got me into this!" I shout at him. "You fucking owe my jerk!"
"I don't owe you anything." He retaliates.
I grind my teeth together and shake in anger, "I WILL KILL YOU-" I pause after my words and slap my own face. Gah I'm so stupid!
He chortles. "How about I just give you a portal, slick."
I look over at Sam, who is sitting in the corner with her hair pulled thin and a worried expression on her face.
I sigh and look at the ghoul swirls open a portal. It was big and green with whispers slipping through it. I could almost feel it reflecting in my eyes, like the swirls would take over my irises and change them from blue to green. I watch as a single strand of dark green waves through it, getting smaller and smaller until it disappears in the middle.
"So," Someone's voice breaks my thought and all I see is green. I float backwards and see the ghoul pointing to my body.
"What?" I growl.
"Want me possess this thing while your on and oblivion-mission?"
I clamp my teeth and feel my body going closer to the portal, "Fine."
He snickers. "Seems legit cya never loser!"
My hand hits the portal and coldness shrouds over me.
The ghost zone was pure darkness oozing a neon green. Doors floated randomly, but otherwise all it did was land a chill on my spine.
"Where the fuck did that bastard leave me?" I grab my sides as the pressure of the air squeezed my head. I began to feel dizzy and out of breath. My body felt heavy and I began to fall down, down, down into nowhere. I feel myself land on something, sending even more chills down my back until I felt like I was incased in ice.
"Well aren't you a cutie!" Someone's voice broke through the blockiness of my vision. It settles and i see a woman with long black hair covering one of her eyes. She wore a crop top and a long blue skirt.
"Who..." I go to stand up but I fall down. "Who are you?"
"The names Desiree." She says as her hands glow a light blue. "The ghost of wishes!"
"Wishes..." I mumble. "Can you make me... Resurrect me?"
"Ooo..." She rubs her hands together. "Anything but that, Ghost Boy."
I cough, "Well can you... Can you..." I hold my head. What was I supposed to do again? Why am I even here?
"Well it seems there is nothing I can do for you." She says as she begins to leave.
"Wait..." I stand up and look at my hands as the become a little transparent. "There- There's something I-I need. A-A reas... Reason I came here!"
"You're a ghost, son. You're supposed to be here."
"No-o... I'm. Not." I managed to say, my tongue rolling awkwardly in my mouth. "I'm n-not a g-ghoost."
"I'm so sorry-" the woman touches my skin and I felt a huge jolt and I fall backwards.
"Clockwork!" I scream suddenly. "I... Have to... Go... To... Clock..." I can feel my lips still moving but my mind was grabbed. There was another portal, the same as before. My eyes snapped to one of the darker swirls, it spiraled in until it was gone. My eyes latched to another as it does the same. Again and again, the neon bubbling like soup around it as someone dragged their spoon through it and created yet another swirl.
"I... Clock.... Ghosts..." I hear myself say over the fuzz as my body grows closer to it. I reach out my hand, a price of the green slime falls on it and it invades it in a tingle.
"No." Something says with a high-pitched chuckle, it's voice changing octaves every so often. "Stay Danny. You're. Home." (I'm thinking the Phantom's voice from Noragami)
"H-Home?" I cough as I suddenly stop in front of the portal.
"You're. A. Ghost. You're dead. D. E. A. D. Where will you go."
"I'm dead?" The idea struck my head. I was dead, but I began to get this itching feeling in my wrist that I wouldn't. I began to scratch it, hard leaving a white trail of dead skin where my nails were.
I stood in front of the portal, in nothing but a white tshirt and blue jeans, wondering who I was.
"My name is... Name..." I began to press harder on my wrist, scratching it like a cat.
"Who. Needs a. Name? You. Are a. Ghost now. You. Have. Every. Thing."
I hurt my teeth and press so hard in my wrist that I tear back some skin, green blood falls off my wrist to oblivion. I keep scratching it until my fingers hit bone.
"C'mon kid!" I scream to my self as I continue to scratch back all the skin. "Remember why did I come here!?"
"Because. You are. Dead." The voice taunts as a whole gallon of the green ooze lands on my shoulders and head and pours down all over my body. The weight began to drag me away from the portal, my eyes grew sleepy and my hands was pulls away from my scarred wrist.
"Why did I came here?" I wonder to myself as I land back into a floating island. The ooze latches me to the ground and the pressure in my head returns.
"You. Are. A. Ghost boy, Ghost. Boy."
"No I'm not!" I scream as I pull off the goo. "I have to p-protect someone. I-I have to s-sav-be myself. I have to protect someone. From. Me!"
"Of course you do. Ghosts. Are. Naturally. Evil, right!?"
I breathe in heavily and pull all the ooze off of my. "They are. But I'm going to fix that about me. BECAUSE I AM NOT A GHOST!"
And with that I push myself off the floor and flew straight into the portal.
Although, behind me, I could here the nothingness snicker, "But you are a ghost."
I look around to find myself in a huge castle of sorts, lots of portals and lots of gears and clocks.
"H-Hello?" I call out before here mumbles behind me and everything turning black.




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