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Dan woke up. He felt wind hit him as he got out of bed. The wind was cold, not making a sound. Dan looked around for where it was coming from. Open window. He moved to the open window to close it. Just then, he remembered what he was thinking last night. 'You need to tell him. You need to tell him somehow.' He looked down and felt sick when thinking about it. Dan walked over to his bed where his phone was. 10:23. He walked over to the door and was about to open it when suddenly, he heard someone turn the radio on and start singing along. It didn't take him long to know who it was, because he only lives with Phil. Dan opened the door and walked down the hall to where the singing was coming from. "Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do." Was all he could hear as he was getting closer. Dan peeked his head in to see Phil making Pancakes. He smiled as he watched him for a bit. Phil turned and saw Dan. "Ah-" Phil jumped. "Oh, it's you Dan. So Danny boy, I'm making something sweet for breakfast today. As a little treat." Dan walked closer to Phil as he was talking. Dan looked into his eyes. "You okay, bud?" Phil asked worried. Dan switched back into reality. "Oh, yeah I'm fine." Was all he could say before he felt himself get hotter. Dan quickly rushed to the couch and turned the TV on. 'Pull yourself together, man!'

Phil walked into the room with two plates. He put one next to Dan and the other on the table. "Ta da!" Phil said while shaking his hands. "You are too cute." Dan whispered. His eyes went wide when he just heard what he said. "What did you say?" Dan felt himself get hotter to the face and just said "Nothing." And looked away. Phil gave him a look and sat next to Dan. Dan was facing the other way. "You okay? You're acting weird and not normal. What's wrong?" Phil asked. Dan still had his head the other way. "I'm fine, Phil." He said blushing as hard as ever. "Dan..?" Phil said slowly. "Yeah..?" Dan replied mocking his tone. "Is there something you aren't telling me?" Phil asked moving himself closer to Dan. "No. I really am fine." Dan said laughing. His head was still the other way. Phil moved closer and closer to Dan. Dan was really burning up now. He tried to move himself so Phil wouldn't see his red face. Phil glared at him then moved back. "Fine.." He said getting his plate and starting to eat the Pancakes he made. Dan gave out a sigh of relief. 'That was too close you idiot! Think next time!?' He thought as he grabbed the plate and started eating.

Hiya! So that was the next chapter! I seen that no one has read this yet, but hey it's been less than a day! What do you guys think about that one? Sorry if it's short. I will make it up to you guys next time. Bye :)
|-/ Stay alive x

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