One Lost Phil

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•Dan Pov• (First POV m8)

Last night, I think got a idea on how I was gonna tell Phil how I feel for him. I mean, it might go well... You never know. I actually don't know if Phil is gay... I never really asked him. Does he know I'm if I'm gay or not? Oh well... It doesn't matter for now. Im still thinking on the little things for fill the moment. It Cant me rushed, and it CAN'T be awkward NO WAY.

The minute I walked out my bedroom door, I just knew something was wrong. Phil's door was open, I couldn't hear anything, only Phil's room light was on, not any other light. I don't know. I just had this bad feeling that something wasn't right. It was quite. Too quite.

I peeked my head into Phil's room. No Phil. I turned his light off and made my way to the bathroom. I did a quick knock and opened the room looking Left and Right. No Phil. I closed the door and made my way down the hall. I was looking state into the living room. No Phil. I checked my right and walked softly into the kitchen. I flicked the light on and looked around. No Phil. I kept the light on and did one last check in the living room. No Phil. I started to walk to the Gaming room. I walked into
the gaming room and looked everywhere. No Phil.

I just thought maybe he went to the shop. But you never know really. I still had that bad feeling. I dont even know why. Maybe something was wrong.

I picked up my phone and texted Phil.

Dan- 11:23
Hey Phil. Just woke up and Didn't see u. Did u pop out to get something?

I gave him time to text back. So I made something to eat and watched
some Anime. I checked my phone to see if he texted back.

Dan- 11:23
Hey Phil. Just woke up and Didn't see u. Did u pop out to get something?
Not seen.

It was now 12:10. So I thought I would send another text. But I Didn't want to sound worried or anything. Even if deep down I was full of worry.

Dan- 12:10
Hey Phil. Thought we could do something for lunch if u are up
for it?

I Didn't even really want to do anything for lunch. But hey, it was the first thing in my head.

~~~~~~Ta-Da! Time skip!~~~~~~~~

It is now 4 and I have tried to call and text Phil 100 times and nothing! Now I'm really starting to worry... What do I do? This has never happened. And before you think anything, no. Phil does have his phone, and his keys. Its not like someone took him... Right?


Oh waddup! Second chapter today! Yay! Hope you liked. What happened to Philip? o-o FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER MATE! Hope to see you there! Byeeee

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