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The next day, Dan thought before he told Phil, it was better to tell someone else. "Who? Who!?" He said to himself. While scrolling fast through his phone contacts. "Who what?" Asked a voice from behind him. "Oh, um nothing. Just wanted to maybe go out somewhere. So I thought I would go see someone. Just I don't know who..." "Okay then... By the way." Dan looked up at Phil. "Sorry if I was... You know... Pushy on you yesterday." Phil said looking down at the floor. "I-I-It's fine...Sorry." Dan looked back at his phone and kept on scrolling trying to find someone. And fast. "Hey," Phil said trying to break the awkwardness. "you know when ever you need someone, you have me...? Never forget that, Dan." "Thanks Phil." Dan smiled. "Right well," Dan rushed passed Phil  going out the room. "I'm just gonna go to PJ's." "Alright then! Bye! Have fun!" Phil shouted back, walking out Dan's room. "Bye!" Dan left to go to PJ's. When he was getting there, all he could think about was how he was gonna tell PJ how he felt.

Dan knocked on PJ's door. He waited 10 seconds, then knocked again. He was still thinking now he was gonna tell PJ. After 15 seconds of Dan thinking outside a house, the door opened. "Dan!" PJ said in shock. "PJ!" Dan said walking into the house. "How you been? Where's Phil." "Phil's fine, he's at the house. And I'm... I'm... Alright, I guess." Dan sat on the couch. "Hey, what's wrong?" Dan looked up at PJ. He stood up from the couch. "I-I... I don't know how to tell you..." PJ looked up and down at Dan. "What? Tell me, come on Dan." Dan was just looking at the floor, thinking what he was gonna say. 'Well...? Come on Dan! Think of something!' "Dan?" Dan looked up at PJ. PJ searched Dan for answers. Dan just sat there staring at PJ. "DAN! IS HERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH PHIL!? DAN! DAN, BUDDY! COME ON, DAN!" PJ cried out. Dan let out a sigh and looked back down at the floor. 'You can't keep him waiting.' He thought. Dan sat down and PJ sat next to him. "Dan..." Dan looked state at PJ. "I like Phil." He let out. PJ just sat there. His mouth opened in shock. He didn't know what to say. He closed his mouth and gulped. "You-You what?" Dan stood up and turned around to the wall. "I like Phil, okay?" He turned back at PJ. "I didn't know how I felt at first. I couldn't control myself! I just-I just started staring at him a lot. I was burning up whenever I saw him. I was sweating and I didn't what it meant! Now I know what it meant!" He cried. Dan sat back down and looked at the floor. "Dan. You need to tell him." PJ said, finally finding his words. Dan looked up at him. "And how am I gonna do that? Just say, Oh well Phil, I like you! IS THAT WHAT I DO!?" Dan put his head in his hands. "Look I'm sorry. But I-" "Dan." PJ said putting his arm around Dan's back. "It's fine. If you like I could tell him." Dan looked up at PJ. "You will do that? For me?" He asked looking up at him like he just said to a 6 year old he could have a puppy. "Yeah!" Dan shot and gave a huge hug to him. "Thank you! Thank you so much, PJ!" Dan let go of him and smiled. "It's fine," PJ said before Dan left. "But..." "But what?" Dan asked looking up at Him. "But are you sure 'Phil' is the one?" Dan walked over to PJ with anger mixed with shock in his face. "What do you mean by that?" "What I mean is, that there is way more better looking people than... Than Phil. WAY better looking people than him." Dan took a deep breath and look right into PJ's eyes. "Yeah? So are you saying that YOU are maybe 'WAY' better looking than Phil?" PJ laughed and said "Well, yeah." Dan glared at PJ and gritted his teeth. "When was the last time YOU had a relationship? Huh, huh?" PJ took a step back. "Hey, all I'm saying is that In love, you Gotta get a good looking person for them to be The one." Dan went right up to PJ and said. "YEAH? LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND HOW LOVE FEELS!" PJ opened his mouth and stood there in shock at what Dan had just said. "Ay? That's what I thought." Dan stamped down the hall and swigged the door open, then marched out the door to then slam it behind him. Leaving into the deep dark night.

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