"PJ told me everything..."

21 4 1

Dan's PoV

So I still haven't heard from Phil. I am worried as hell. Most of the time he was gone where ever, I texted him and tried to call him. It is 6:11 and Phil is still not home. I giving up hope. But then this bad feeling come to me. What if.. What if he went to PJ's! After thinking that, I text PJ. I don't care, I am really starting to Panic.

I wrote out a whole message to PJ, hoping he knows anything. But seconds before I click end. The door opens. I am in the living room and my head goes around the Corner. Keys jingle and get put down somewhere. I walk out into the hall because I know it's Phil.

"Where the hell have you been!?" Phil looks at me. His face is red. Has he been... Crying? I move closer to him and tilt my head a little bit. "Phil..?" He just looks at me with hate. I feel something really bad in my stomach and my head that's to thump. He takes his jacket off and just looks at me. That face. I will never forget the look He just gave me. Hate to his head to his toes. My head is now racing faster than ever.

"Phil.. Are you okay?" I just want to keep it cool. He brushes passed me as he goes into the kitchen and gets a cup out. I walk into the kitchen with my eyebrow raised. "Phil where were you?" He slams the cup down and turns to me. "Where the hell do you think, Dan!?" My eyes go wide. Phil really hate me right now.

It was PJ wasn't it? He told Phil my feeling for him. He's never going to forgive me. He's gonna kick me out or move out himself... What have I done? Just me and my shit feeling. Why do I do this? Ugh! Why is life so hard.

Phil goes to the sink and starts putting water in his cup. He drinks faster than I've ever seen him drink. Taking every drink like there is no tomorrow. He glares over at me. I could just cry right now. My eyes start to tear up and I'm about to leave to start balling my eyes out before he speaks up.

"PJ told me everything..." His face is full of hate. My heart sinks when he says everything. He told him! I knew it! I knew he would do this! Just to get back at me!? I can't believe he would do such a thing. When I see him, I'm gon-

"Why?" My thoughts were cut off by Phil speaking. He hates me. I can see it. I can hear it. "Look Phil.. I'm sor-" "Why would you say something so heart breaking to PJ?" Wait... What? "Sorry.. What?" Phil looked at me like I killed someone. "You started talking hard to PJ... Just because he said he was better looking than some person you like? That to note, you haven't told Your Best Friend out? Why don't you tell me these thing Dan? I thought we were best friends!?"

My eyes are now tearing up and I feel myself getting hotter. "Phil, I-" "No Dan. I don't want to speak to you right now. So just... Just leave me alone.." I can hear the pain in his voice. I did that. Tears slowly come down my eyes and I rush to the bathroom, locking it behind me. I slide my back down on the door and cry my eyes out until I fall asleep. I cried myself to sleep.


So..? Not much to say XD hope you enjoyed the chapter. Byeee!

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