I can't lose him

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Again... I love TØP

Phil's PoV

When we got to the hospital, they quickly ran out and got Dan out. They told me to follow them. So we entered the building.

I didn't know what I was thinking. I followed them inside. I watched them run with the stretcher. I followed but was a little behind.

I couldn't hear anything. Or see anything. The only little thing I could just make out, was the radio. It was playing Truce by Twenty Øne Piløts.

Now the night is coming to an end

I looked to my right. I saw people sitting on the chairs crying as doctors told them sad/good news.

The sun will rise and we will try again

I saw people coming out of rooms with blood all over them. I saw family's getting up and hugging them.

Stay alive, stay alive for me

I saw people getting rushed to rooms. Doctors rushing to rooms. I saw people on their phones. I saw people taking pictures. I saw people laughing.

You will die, but now your life is free

I saw them rush Dan into a room. Doctors came from the other side and rushed into the room Dan was in.

Take pride in what is sure to die

I walked into the room. Doctors tried to stop the blood that was coming from all different kinds of places.

I will fear the night again

Doctors pushed passed me and got gloves on to help. They hooked him up to different kinds of things.

I hope I'm not my only friend

I saw them put him on to a different bed as they put something into his arm.

Stay alive, stay alive for me

One doctor looked at me and tried to make be leave.

You will die but now your life is free

They pushed me out and I sat on the chair outside and felt tears go down my face.

Take pride in what is sure to die.

I heard the piano play in the song. It just reminds me of Dan playing the piano.

As the piano hits the last note, one of my tears hits the floor.

"I can't lose him." I cried.

"I CANT LOSE HIM!" I shouted as I hit the floor sobbing.

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