College Twist

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Hey everyone! This is my first story on here. I'm fairly new to writing. I mainly create stories in my head but I decided to write this one down! It's based on a dream I had with a lot added! On that note, unfortunately, none of this story is true. The names are all fake as well the college.

I hope you enjoy reading it! Please comment your options and advice! I want feedback. :)

Lots of love,

Author xo

(I'd rather remain anonymous right now!)

Part 1

"It's move in day!" My mom shouts as she opens the blinds in my room, causing me to whine. I look at my phone and it's 8am. I force the blankets over my head. 

"Dad wants you to eat breakfast here for the last time. C'mon Madison. Let's go downstairs."

My mom and dad have always been the type to plan everything out. They made sure I packed everything like a week in advance and made sure I had all the necessities for college. I didn't see what the big deal was since my college was since they had already gone through this before with my older sister. My school was three hours away so in order to come back I would have to take the train. My parents didn't want me to have a car since I probably wouldn't be using it much. I am excited to start college; first of all because UCBS was up north of Califnoria and I've never been up there before. I have only been to places like LA or the beaches, or San Diego. Second of all, I was excited to start college because high school was a drag and college is fresh new start. New people. New stories. And most importantly, new opportunites to be myself. I am fairly shy, so I am hoping that I can break out of my shell at UCBS.

"My baby is growing up!" My dad jokes while pouring syrup on my pancakes.

"We're gonna miss you!" Mom yells, as she carries my last suitcase downstairs. "Your brother and sister will miss you too!"

"I'll be one phone call away." I say bluntly. 

"I know, I know. But you're our baby girl." My mom says, bringing tears to her eyes. She quickly shakes them off, or trys to at least. My dad wraps his arm around her.

"Alright! Enough mush, time to head off!" Dad said and we headed to the car.

After loading all my suitcases into the car, we piled into it. My brother and sister were going to drive us to the train station and from there my parents would come with me on the train to my school.

25 minutes later, we arrived at the train station. I have never been on a train, except going up the Grand Canyon when I was younger. My parents checked us in and we began to carry my stuff onto the train. We found our seats shortly. My parents sat next to each other, of course, and I had my section to myself.

Right before the train departed, a young man rushed on and took the seat next to me. He was dressed in a suit and tie, and had a suitcase with him. He was very good looking. He had clean cut hairstyle. After getting settled into the seat, he immediatly took out his laptop from his case and put Netflix on. He shoved earphones into each ear and started watching The Breakfast Club, it looked as if he was about half way through the movie. I turned towards to the window and started blankly outside. There were a lot of trees and rocks. The man sitting next to me let out a loud laugh, which made me turn towards him and the screen he was watching. He looked at me and took his earphones out.

"Have you seen this movie?" He looked down at me. I didin't realize our height difference until now.

"Yeah, it's a classic." I smiled.

"Do most people your age enjoy this movie?"

"My age? I'm not that younger than you, I bet." 

"What are you, 18?"

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