Part 9

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Hello readers! Thank you again for reading, I love you all so much! I should be updating more this week!

Lots of love



Part 9

Augustus' POV

I left Madison's room and headed back upstairs. I sat in my room for about five minutes and realized I didn't want to stay in my room all day so I skateboarded down to Sally's to grab a cup of coffee.

"Augustus?" A familiar voice called.

I turned and to my surprise, it was Vanessa Cartel, or better known as my ex. We went to high school together and one of the reasons she's going to this university is because of me. She was probably the hottest girl in our senior class and she was very mischievous. We somewhat had a bad break up. I shook my head at the thought of her and us. I didn't want to think of it, especially now.

"Hey Vanessa." I said mono toned.

"I haven't seen you all year! Where have you been?" She walked over to me with two girls beside her.

"I've been here." I said forcing a smile.

"We need to catch up! It's been ages!" She said grabbing my hand. "You should totally come by my apartment later! My roommate is throwing a little something since classes are canceled!"

"No, I'm good." I said.

"Oh c'mon Augustus. I know you still have a wild side to ya!" She smirked.

"I'll probably just-"

She cut me off, "I won't take no for an answer! I'll pick you up at 9!" She hurried out the door.


I walked back to my dorm with my cup of coffee and explained to Christian what had happened.

"Come with me." I pleaded.

"You know I would but I have a study session with my anatomy group tonight." Christian said.

"How can I get out of it?"

"By the looks of it, you can't. Just stay for a little and tell her you have to go."

"She's my ride." I said.

"Okay, then force her to take you home. Simple." He shrugged.

I wish it was that simple. Christian doesn't know Vanessa like I do. She won't give in, she's very persuasive.


"Hey Augustus." Her voice sent chills down my spine. She walked in my room and laid her hand on my back. "Ready?"

"Yep." I said.

The car ride was short. The apartment must of been less than ten minutes away. As we pulled into the driveway, tons of cars started pulling up as well. We both walked inside together just as I realized I wouldn't know anyone at this party. Most of the people looked in their twenties. I used to go to a lot of parties in high school, but I knew everyone who attended. This would be my first college party and honestly, it was a little terrifying. I have no clue what goes on at these types of parties. Vanessa walked me over to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses.

"Wine?" She asked, holding it out in front of my face.

"I'm not drinking." I said.

"C'mon Augustus. Live a little! Remember all the fun we used to have in high school together? One drink at least." She said.

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