Part 4

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Hello beautiful readers!

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, this chapter is interesting! Haha

Lots of love


Part 4

Madison's POV

The fact that Augustus is reading my favorite book makes me feel so good. I ask Amanda about the movie night, then send out a group message to Emily, Tyler, and Andrew. They all say yes to going. After class I ask Amanda if we could stop by Augustus' dorm to let him know we're in. Ryan walks with us since he was headed to his room too. I admit it was a little weird walking with him after what happened earlier this week but I tried ignoring it.

"Have you written your essays yet?" Ryan desperately tries to make conversation.

"I just need to edit mine." Amanda says.

"Uh, not yet." I look at the ground.

"It's due tomorrow night!" Ryan turns to me.

"I work good under pressure." I assured him.

Ryan swipes us in and we follow him up to his hall but separate heading towards Augustus' room. His door is open so we walk in. He is sat on top of his bed on his phone, one arm behind his head.

"Madison Grace." He smiles. "And Amanda! I'm guessing you two were into the movie idea?"

"Yeah. We just need a time."

"How about we pick a movie, then we can sort out the times?"

"Okay." Amanda and I both say.

20 minutes pass and we are still deciding on a movie.

"The Family?" Amanda says. "It's action and adventure which is for both genders."

Augustus and I both laugh and agree to see that movie. I text the group and they agree as well.

"Is it okay if I invite people from my hall? I would feel bad if I didn't." Augustus asked.

"Of course." I replied a little too fast.

Augustus walks into the hallway and yells, "I'm seeing The Family at 10:00 pm tonight, does anyone wanna go?"

It was quiet for about 2 minutes, then I heard a few "no's" and then a couple "yes's."

Augustus returns into his room, "Ryan and Josh agreed on coming!"

Okay. I'm okay with that.

"We should probably go get ready." Amanda said and I nodded. We leave his dorm and head over to our rooms. I decided to copy Augustus by yelling if anyone wanted to see the movie. Mostly "no's" but Caitlin and Paulina said "yes."

We got jackets and food, then headed to meet everyone. We all met in the front yard next to our cars. Amanda offered to drive and so did Augustus. We then split up into boys and girls. Boys in Augustus' car and the girls road with Amanda. The car ride was fun. We blasted music and sang at the top of our lungs. We arrived at the theatre but the boys were no where to be found. Amanda then called Tyler and he said they were almost there. Shortly, we saw their car arrive and we all bought our tickets then headed inside. Augustus and I were almost like leaders and everyone else followed us to theatre 3. We walked into theatre 3 and Augustus picked the middle row because he said him and his dad always used to sit there. I'm glad he didn't go with the top row because we all know what happens up there. Josh recommended that we sat boy/girl, I'm not sure why, but we ended up doing it anyways. It was Paulina, Josh, Caitlin, Ryan, Me, Augustus, Amanda, Tyler, Emily, and Andrew. Funny set up I thought.

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