Part 15

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Part 15

Our meals came and for both of us being starving we ate rather slowly, mainly because we would talk and laugh between bites. I would catch Augustus staring at me while I ate, and he would catch me staring while he ate and we would laugh about it. Augustus picked up the check and we thanked Sally for being such a great waitress. She told us to come back soon, but we told her how we were from out of town but we would try our best.

As we exited the restaurant, Augustus insisted that we walked around for a bit and I agreed. It was quite cold outside for a night in California, but having Augustus' jacket around my shoulders and his arm around my waist, I didn't mind the cold. I interlocked my arm with his and placed my head against his arm, getting as close to him as possible. As we continued down the sidewalk, I heard music playing, but couldn't make out where it was coming from, although I figured a local club or something. As soon as we turned the corner, the music became louder and I saw a festival down the street. I turned to look up at Augustus to show my excitement, but he already knew as he was looking down at me, smiling.

It was beautiful, tons of bright lights and loud music playing. There were several stands, food trucks, and a lot of little kids running around with balloons and toys. The lights brightened up the sky so much that for a second I almost forgot it was dark out. We walked passed every stand, scoping out what they were offering. One stand that caught my eye was homemade bracelets. Each bracelet was personal and printed the exact location of wherever you wanted to put on it. The bracelets were so unique and special.

"Let's get one." Augustus said to my surprise.

"Really? You want to? You don't think it's cheesy?" I asked.

"A little," He laughed, "but we can put this moment right now." He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile with him.

In about five minutes we both had our gold bracelets that read: 33.9962 °N 118.4689 °W, which was this moment exactly. This was so special to my heart and I'm glad Augustus wanted to get them. I will remember this moment for a long time.

"Wanna sit?" Augustus asked.


There was a little brown bench across from all the festival chaos where we sat. We sat for a few minutes starring at the festival and everything in it. The music wasn't as loud from where we were sitting. For the first time I actually felt a little awkward and the atmosphere had shifted. I noticed Augustus shifting uncomfortably. I wasn't sure what was making him feel that way; I just hoped that it wasn't me.

Augustus' POV

33.9962 °N 118.4689 °W

This exact location of our first date was engraved on this little gold bracelet on my wrist.

I feel like I'm changing, in all the right ways. I never took girls on date, let alone get something personalize to symbolize our relationship. Look at me now. I knocked both of those out on one night. Madison Grace is different though. She makes me feel special. And not in the way most people would think, she makes me feel like I'm important and that she really cares for me, and I know she does. When she says things, she doesn't just say them, she means them. And that's why I need to make this official. I have to ask her to be my girlfriend. I just don't know how. I've never done it before. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I keep shifting and looking at the ground. I can't even talk to her. Get a grip Augustus. You can do this. Speak.

"I like you, a lot." I said.

"I like you." She said.

"The thing is, I like you too much for you to be available to other guys."

"Is that so?" She smirked.

"I don't even know if I'm doing this right." I said looking straight into her eyes.

She grabbed my hands and gave a little squeeze, "Keep going," she encouraged.

I took a breath, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes widened and her whole face lit up, "Yes!"

She leaned in to me and left a soft kiss on my lips. I wrapped my hands around her jawline and returned several kisses to her. I couldn't remove the smile from my face at this point. She scooted closer to me, leaning her head into my chest and intertwining our fingers. I kissed her head and wrapped my arm around her.

That was my first time asking a girl out, formally. When Vanessa and I started dating, I never asked her out, I just started calling her my girlfriend and we started doing what couples did, and that was that. The other girls I've been with, I don't consider girlfriends. No girl has ever made me as nervous as Madison does. I don't want to ever lose her.

Madison's POV

The walk back to the house was fairly long. We both didn't expect it to be that long, but I ended up walking barefoot because my heels were killing me.

We slowly enter the house and leave the lights off. It was nearly midnight now, but I was still wide awake. Augustus leads me to the kitchen and pours us each a glass of milk. I think it is cute how he loves to drink milk before going to bed. As my cup is against my lips, Augustus places his cup on the counter and slowly comes near me. He grabs my cup and pulls it towards the counter as gentle as possible.

He smiles, a small laughter leaves his lips as he slowly bent towards me, his eyes never leaving mine. He brushes his lips against mine softly. It was as if he was teasing me. My hand meets the side of his cheek, slowly urging his lips to press harder against mine. Butterflies fill my stomach instantly and every part of me wants his lips on mine, to feel his hands as they outlined my body. I pull away slightly, not trying to show how vulnerable I am. My eyes move from his eyes to his lips and once again our lips are together. One of his hands slowly tangled into my hair. Each breath was a reminder of what was really happening. He grabbed my hands as he gave his final kiss.

As our lips pulled away, our bodies pulled closer. I had never felt so safe in someone's arms before. Augustus and I fit together perfectly. I didn't want to let him go, but I knew we had an early breakfast with the group, so maybe it was time to get some sleep.

"I had a great time tonight." I said wrapping my hands around the back of his neck.

"I did too beautiful." He bent down to kiss my forehead.

"Goodnight boyfriend." I chuckled at how lame I sounded, but that word was so foreign to me.

Augustus laughed, "Goodnight girlfriend."


I couldn't fall asleep. I have had my first kiss and now my first boyfriend all at once. Who knew my first year of college would be this insane and beautiful at the same time? I surely didn't. This trip had been like a movie, everything seemed surreal. I was not ready to head back home tomorrow. I am not ready to enter back into reality. This right here, this is perfect. I fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist, reading the exact location where Augustus and I had our first date. I couldn't help but smile as I dozed off into my sleep.

Hello beautiful readers! Xx.

I know it's been over a month since I've last updated and I want to apologize sincerely for that! I have no excuses, I'm sorry. But hey, you got two chapters out of it! Haha.

I will try to update when I can, I'm not sure when that will be. Please, PLEASE, bare with me guys.

I love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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