Part 3

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Part 3

Madison's POV

My great mood soon changed as I entered through the garage and was greeted by my loving parents, "It's almost midnight Madison."

"I know. I had unexpected plans tonight."

"You could of let us know. You told us you were coming home today and we waited up for you all day. We thought something happened Madison."

"I'm sorry."

"You need to learn how to be respectful to others. Just because you're at college doesn't mean you can come home at whatever time and expect us to be okay with it. You're still our little girl."

I nodded, not wanting to say anything back. They dismissed me and I went into my room. The rest of the weekend at my house was weird. It didn't feel like home anymore because my new home was at BCU. The lecture Friday night, reminded me why I didn't want to go home often.

Oh how I dread Mondays. At least it was my last class of the day, English. I walked through the door to see Ryan in my seat. Now in college, there are no assigned seats but after a while everyone just sits in the same seat, and it's known that that's their seat and you stick to the status quo. Well, Ryan usually sits in the front, but apparently he decided to switch it up today. I sat next to him, where Amanda usually sits, hoping she would come in and grab a seat next to me. Unfortunately, she came in late and took a seat next to the wall on the other side of the room. I took out my notebook and set it on top of the desk. About twenty minutes in, Ryan grabs my notebook.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Shh, I'm writing you something."

He slid the notebook across the table and his note read:

Ryan: So you and Augustus?

We continued writing back and forth from there.

Me: I just met him.

Ryan: And he already got you in his room?! ;)

Me: With four other people.

Ryan: It was nice seeing you in the bathroom though, wasn't it? ;)

Me: Sure.

Ryan: I would be carful. Augustus is very convincing.

Me: Excuse me?

Ryan: He is known for having girls in his room.

Me: Jealous?

Ryan: No.

Me: I think you should worry about yourself and I'll worry about myself.

Ryan: I'm trying to help.

Me: I didn't ask for you help.

Ryan: Don't be an ass about it.

Me: Okay. How many girls then?

Ryan: Since school started um probably 7, all different ones. I also know he had like 10 girlfriends senior year.

Me: Well it's not like we're dating. I just met him. Why do you care anyways?

Ryan: I'm just saying. I hope you're not as quick to open you legs for him as they were.


Me: Don't ever speak to me again. You're a complete ass. You don't even know me.

By then, it was time to go, I packed up fast and hurried out. I was upset about what Ryan told me. First of all, was it true Augustus was a player? Secondly, I'm not like that. I wouldn't dare be in his room alone like those other girls. Third, why did Ryan even care? We barely know each other! Ryan never talked to me as much as he did today. We made small talk but never as bold as this. I don't know what's got into him. As I was walking away, Amanda caught up but she turned as we both heard Ryan yell out my name. I didn't turn around.

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