Part 7

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Part 7

Madison's POV

Today has gone by extremely slow. Classes are dragging on. Professors never seem to stop talking. Lectures are getting longer. At least it was English class now. I actually enjoyed English. See, my English professor isn't like all the other professors. He's really interesting. He's in his mid twenties and he's sort of attractive for a professor. The first day of class, he talked to us about all his crazy relatives. The second day, he explained the meaning behind his eleven tattoos. Professor Roberts. What a guy. Oh and plus, I have Amanda and Ryan to talk to.

"Now class we are going to be discussing why social networks are taking over the world!" Professor Roberts somewhat yelled. "How many of you have smartphones?"

Majoring of the class raised their hands.

"Okay. Now how many of you spend more time on social network apps than talking to people?"

More than half the people raised their hands.

"This is one of the proven points why social networks is taking over. We don't care to make conversation anymore. Instead we'd rather chat online. There's no more face to face contact. It's disgusting." He continued.

I agree with Professor Roberts, the lack of in person conversations is terrible in our society. However, I felt as if my friends and I didn't fit into that category. Yes we all have smartphones, but when we're together, the phones are put away. I'd rather be with them, instead of texting them all day. I mean, I don't even have Augustus' number! And franky, I don't want it. I want every time we talk to be special. I don't want text conversations to ruin that.

"Alright class, see you next week. Don't forget class is cancelled Friday. Have a great weekend, don't go to jail." He said. "Madison, can I talk to you?"

I nodded.

"Go on without me." I said to Amanda and Ryan. "Yes Professor Roberts?" I approached his desk.

"I finished reading your essay last night. Do you read a lot?" He asked.

"Not really but I've been reading more, lately."

"Well, your lack of reading sure doesn't match up to your writing. If I didn't know, I would've thought you never put books down. Madison, you are an excellent writer. I enjoyed your essay very much. Your creativity and detail is exquisite. What is your career path?"

"I'm not sure yet." I answered honestly.

"I would definitely consider English. Not as teaching but maybe as a writer, editor, or journalism."

"I never thought of it, but I'm considering it now. Thank you Professor Roberts."

"Yes. You can always come to me for guidance, if you decide on English." He nodded.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Have a good day."

"You too!" I said and left the room.

Writer, editor, or journalism? I never thought of myself as a good writer before. I've always gotten A's on my papers, but essays have always been easy for me.

I exit the building and see Amanda and Ryan siting on the bench waiting for me. I sighed, thinking what great friends they are and then I let out a laugh thinking of all the small talk they must of went through.

"Did you get in trouble?" Ryan stood up. Amanda followed.

"No. He complimented my writing and them said I should become an English major."

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