Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Alex and I walked back to the crew members disappointed.

"Did you find anything?" a crew member asked me. We both shook our heads no.

"Please tell me you guys had any success?" I asked.

"We did. We surveyed the area and found another ship." the crew member said.

"What's your name again?" I asked him.


"Well Chad, did you by chance recognize the ship at all?"

He shook his head. "No. It's not the pirate ship that I was on before I ended up here."

"Thank you Chad. Will you take me to a spot where we could watch the crew?" I asked.

"Of course Captain." he said.

"Alex come with us. Everybody else stay here and rest some more. Make sure that you are not seen by the other ship." they all nodded and I followed Chad back into the jungle.

Chad made sure that the beach was in view the whole time as we were pilling through the jungle. Eventually he stopped and ushered me closer. "This is their camp. Their ship is docked there." he pointed towards the pitched tents and the docked ship.

"Alexandra I recognize that ship!" Alex exclaimed.

"You do?"

"Yes it's my father's ship. The Voyager." Alex said.

"What would they be doing on this island? There's nothing here." I asked him. "Alex do you know anything?"

"No. I haven't seen them in more than a year remember?"

I pondered that for a second. "We need to talk to them. Alex are you sure your father is there?" I asked him.

"He should be." Alex said.

"C'mon let's head back to camp. I want back-up. The three of us won't be enough. Just in case, I want some men to be around.

"How about you two head back and station some men around the camp. I want them to be ready just in case we need to attack. Which I don't think we will have to but I want to be ready. I will stay here." I said.

"Alright. We will be right back." Chad said and they left. I watched the crew move around. No one went back to the ship.

At one point, Chad and Alex returned. Chad handed me a telescope so I could look closer. I looked at the surrounding ocean and saw something. Sails. I saw sails. Sails that do not belong to Alex's father's ship. My heart beat so fast I thought it would fall out of my chest.

"Alex quick look. Do you see the sails?" I asked, practically throwing him the telescope. He searched and searched. Finally he said. "I don't see anything Alex." he said to me.

"You don't see anything? How?" I grabbed the telescope from him and looked for myself. He was right. The sails that I saw were gone.

"I saw it I swear!" I cried. I'm not imagining it. I saw it! Okay that's really frustrating.

"Alex we have men stationed all around the camp." Chad said to me. "Are you ready?"

I nodded. "Good. Let's go." I stood up from my position on the ground. My muscles screeched from sitting down for so long. We walked out of the cover of the trees and were instantly noticeable by the guards.

"Who goes there?" one of them said.

"It is me Fredrick. Prince Alexander." Alex said, stepping in front of me.

"Your Highness! It's been such a long time. Your father will want to talk to you." he said.

"Please let us in." Alex said. Both guards stepped aside and we entered the tent. Alex's father greeted us instantly.

"Alex you're back!" he stood up from his position on his chair and went up to hug his son. "You've been with her I see. I bet you are the Captain of a nice ship Alex," he said.

"Actually Serena is the Captain here. I'm the first mate." he said. If Chad was surprised that my real name is Serena, he didn't show it. With my experience, plenty lies are told between the captain and his (or her's) crew. I am sure it is no surprise to him that I lied.

"You're the Captain?" his father asked me, surprised.

"I am." I said. "I have some questions for you."

"Go ahead and name them."

"What are you doing on this island?" I asked him.

"Why don't I tell you my country's situation. You can sit down." he said, pointing to a chair in front of his desk. Alex and I both sat down and he began. "My country is in need of supplies. We are running out of food. My people are starving."

Alex stood up and yelled. "What??"

"How is this happening? Isn't Oria trading with you guys?"

"That's the thing Serena, they're not. I think something is up there that is making it so that they are not coming through with their trades."

"How could my parents let this happen? They are usually so good at keeping track of these kind of things."

"I know." his father said.

"Do you have any idea on what is happening there?"

"I do not. I am so sorry."

"I think it is about time I go back to Oria. Don't you worry. I will get this resolved. What do you say about meeting me in this exact spot in one month? And I can let you know what my family says."

"Let's plan on meeting here in a month then." he said.

"Great. Why don't you take some of our supplies? We just restocked so we should have more than enough for you and us as well. Besides I am going to Oria. I can restock there for free." I told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am positive."

"Thank you so much."

"Your welcome."

"Will you excuse me and Alex for a moment please? I would like to speak to him alone." his father said.

"Of course. We will meet you at my ship when you are done." I said. I motioned to Chad and we left. We were both quiet at first. "So you are a princess?" he asked. "The Princess of Oria at that?"

I nodded. "Yes. I am sorry I didn't tell you before. I just-"

"Wasn't sure if you could trust me. I get it." he said. "Besides I want to let you know that you can trust me with anything. To be honest, I was so glad that you we attacked the Revenge that day. I hated working under that Pirate. You are easier to work with and nicer for that matter. It's an honor serving you Your Highness."

"Please you don't need to call me that. Call me Alex." I said.

"Is Alexandra your middle name?" I smiled and nodded. I didn't even think about that until now. How did Ky know that?

"C'mon. Lets gather the men and help Alex's father put supplies on his ship." I said. He nodded and together, with half the crew behind us, we walked back to the Heartbreaker.


hope you liked it :)


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