Chapter 44

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(Authors note. This chapter is under Ky's point of view. Enjoy!)

Chapter 44

Serena's father led me to his study like he said he would. He opened the door and we walked inside. I sat down in a chair that was in front of his desk.

"What is it that you needed to talk to me about Ky? I would really like to go spend time with my daughter who might I mention was presumed dead for a year." Her father reminded me.

"I know sir. Now I guess I will just get right out and ask you." I began. Sweat was starting to pile up. Should I ask him this? He just saw his daughter for the first time in a year like he mentioned. I decided to ask him anyway. "I would like to ask you if I could take your daughter's hand in marriage." The king blinked as if surprised by me asking, but then his face went from calm to enraged.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him but I regretted it.

"No everything is not alright. Your father just admited to trying to kill Serena. And now I heard that you left her and now you are together again. She took the punishment for you and you did not take her place? How dare you come here and ask for her hand when you are a coward!" her father yelled.

"A coward!? Sir I most definitely am not a coward. Your daughter means the world to me. I did not want to leave her on the island. I had no idea that the necklace could kill her. I truly didn't. When I went to go get her body after we saw the light crash into the sky from the necklace, I about died right there. I saw her just lying there and I knew then that I wanted to die with her. Wherever she went, I wanted to follow. I didn't care what my father thought of me. He is the coward and the idiot. Every moment that we fought and argued killed me inside. I thought it would be easier to just let her go and make her own decisions on her own ship. I realized after I left, that I was an idiot. I realized that she needs to be in my life in order for it to be complete. I missed her and thought of her every single day that we were apart. When we were finally reunited, I had hope. Hope that we could be together again. When she found out that she was presumed dead and had to somehow prove that she was alive, she came to me and found me captured on my own ship by the pirate. I saw her and my heart just sunk. I had no idea what he would do to her and it frightened me. I knew that I had to get her out alive even if it meant for my oqn death, I knew I had to get her out of there alive.

"On the boat, I wanted to take her place for the punishment but I couldn't. They were kicking me and hurting me trying to keep me from running toward her." I said. Tears were crashing down my face. "I couldn't do anything and it killed me. I couldn't help her and it killed me. They made me stand there and watch as they delivered the punishment that should've been mine. After first strike, she looked at me. She told me to stop struggling and that everything was going to be alright. Even then, I could see the sadness and the pain in her eyes but more importantly, I saw the love in her eyes. She told me after it was all over and I was helping her stop the bleeding and cleaning the wounds, that she did it to prove her love for me. I already knew that she loved me. I knew a year ago and I knew then at that moment that she was mine. I promised her that I would make sure that nobody ever hurts her again. Sir, I love your daughter. No matter what you say, I will always love your daughter. I've waited a year to see her again and apologize and know that I have, I am complete. I am happy again because of your daughter. I didn't know what I was missing until she was gone. I love your daughter and I will always love her." I concluded. I finally calmed down when I finished what I said. There was a knock at the door and Serena walked in. She had tears streaming down her face.

"Ky?" she said.

"Yes Serena?" I said, trying to keep my emotions in check. She was so beautiful and I wanted to kiss her right then and here. 

"Were you asking my father if you could marry me?" she asked and I hesitated but then nodded. "I heard everything you said. And I want you to know that there was not a day when we were apart when I did not think of you. I love you Ky, so much. You mean the world to me. Father," she said turning to look at her father. "I love him. No matter what you say right now, I will always love him. There is no one else I love more than I love him." she said. She took my hand and squeezed it.

Her father was quiet for a minute as he looked at us both. I knew that he had decided when tears were streaming down his face. " Ky, never in my life have I seen two people love each other more than you love her. I should not be the one to break you two apart after what you two have gone through. I can see how much you love her and how much she loves you. So with that said, you have my permission to take her hand." he said. I grinned and jumped for joy, shaking his hand.

"Thank you sir. Thank you so much!" I cried. Serena ran and hugged her father and then she ran to me, jumping into my arms. Tears were streaming down both of our faces as we kissed. This kiss was different then all the rest. This kiss seemed like fireworks sprouting everywhere. This kiss showed that no one could get between us ever again. She is mine, and I am hers. And will be for forever and ever.


So this is the last official chapter! There will be an epilogue and then that is the end! I have some exciting news that I will tell you at the end of the epilogue!


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