project-6 want to run away

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Alyssa 's POV

I gaped at him. How could it back fire you might ask. well... considering I'm not a "pretty girl" like lexi.

My jaw clenched at her name. Lexi. I hate her she ruined my whole year of eighth grade and freshmen. That dare, back fired. so bad I just wanted to die right then and there. how could it be that bad I thought. i was so stupid thinking he would say yes to the dare, by the way he was my crush since 3rd grade that's how pathetic I am.

I walked up to him with Queen bee and her little wannabes,trotting behind me.

With a hope in my heart he would

Say yes.

Will you go out with me? I asked blushing with bright red it almost matched my sweatshirt.

Yes, this is when I die. he bursted out laughing. He glanced at Lexi hungrily. I puked in my mouth. Little ms. queen bee bursted out laughing with blake and her little followers. then they eventually hooked up the whole eighth grade year. Blake ignored me that year. until freshmen year hit. Lexi befriended me I don't know why but I said yes thinking about second chances. And shit like that I accepted the apology.

Blake came up to me one day asking me out. I declined the first one... but he asked a second time, me being me thinking about second chances, accepted...bad idea

The date was at Lexi's party at also known as the  queen bee's hive. She gave me the a Warehouse. me being stupid arrived there thinking about how this doesn't feel suspicious and how you shouldn't feel like anything a set up and accepting.

I Found the correct address and

Sprinted to the front door. seeing there were people in the hive and Blake And Lexi having a jolly good time..with each other's faces. If you know what I mean. they caught on I found the right address.

" Aw! the lost puppy found her way around home!" one of her wannabes squeaked. my ears winced from her squeakiness.

" Maybe she needs a leash"! one

Called out not as squeaky as the first.

Lexi spotted me. her face was red with rage.

" Look who found her way here, do need a reward For such an accomplishment".

My face matched her recent one. My fists balled up with such rage. She smirked like she was some mad scientist from those science-fiction

Movies my little brother watches all the time.

I tried to speak, nothing came out.

"Aw!,cat got your tongue!,bitch" she pushed me. Pushed me on the table which collapsed. my back was sore. I couldn't get up. I closed my eyes expecting the pain of kicking and Punching and abuse to start. But I didn't expect it to be a guy, but most definitely, I didn't expect it to be Blake...

That happened in the beginning

Of the year when I was a freshmen. what happened at sophomore prom, was probably worse, of course I went with Blake. when my parents forbid me not to. I ignored it. it was a dark phase, everyone who was anyone knew about the whole table breaking party scene.

I stopped walking hand in hand with Blake as we entered the entrance. it was covered in pictures, of my hospital pictures when I was abused. there was fake blood splattered everywhere, there were signs saying "watch out", "keep out", "death's on its way", "I'm going to kill you".

Threatening me. I stared at Blake.

I gaped. at how fast my hand which was in he's,slapped him.

I was shaking with fear, was he going to fight back. was he going to hit me.

I went to therapy because Of you i wanted to scream on the Top of my

Lungs, but didn't have the courage to do it.

He touched my face gently. I slapped him crazily. I sprinted far and fast

Don't know where I was going, I just let my feet lead me.

I fell weak to my Knees on the pavement that led me to nowhere land. I cried, I cried for all the times I didn't when I should have, I just let it all out.

Someone found me but I don't remember who?

Caitlin's POV

I stopped gaping like a fish. Don't know what to say or do. sitting still, probably looking like a statue.

Until a siren went off.

Should I confess? What if I die? or

Get adducted by Hookers who are old men! eww what am I thinking. think about Dexter's abs! ..pervert of a mind

Even though they do like good in he's shirt.

I um... like you too. I muttered quietly I think he heard It ,not sure.

He Smiled. then the door slammed open with Mr. griffin standing there. I stared at the floor. dexter stood there holding he's nose. I think Mr. griffin needs to learn how to use


Dexter now has watery eyes. aw he's crying! what? I'm not weird just funny how cocky dexter crying . someone should get this on video!

Project's um over and go to this address we have a new project/field trip in about 2 hours ago from here. Oh and find the others I've got to drive!

He sprinted out of here. I threw dexter a paper towel roll and sprinted to the intercom. " faith,Logan,and Alyssa came to the kid's play area" I repeated it twice and sprinted once again to the play area.

He flashed me his pearly whites and bid he's apologizes of what happened earlier.

I'm truly head over heels falling for Dexter.

Faith's POV

I stood still well Logan held the trigger. I was shocked that he shot whatever he's name is.

I think it was Dylan, Derrick? Something with a D...

Devon? My head snapped at Logan.

I um... you we're talk out loud.

I nodded. I just don't want to speak anymore the same reason why I don't want to live. ,there's no point.

If only I haven't gotten kidnapped.

I think we have to go back to the mall Logan said breaking silence.

I spotted Logan's car. I stared down at my red rope burned hands. Why couldn't he not save me! I just could have died if he didn't come!

I didn't know I stopped walking until Logan grabbed my hand shooting up sparks in my left hand. But he sparks weren't like "he's" i said in my mind.

Do I even truly like Logan?

Why did I admit I fucking like him! Ugh

I just met him yesterday officially that is. I known him since I moved here.

I'm stupid,god I just want to stay home and never leave. I don't want to have human contact with the world.

I'll be who I am, and I am a weed. and I will run away from my problems.

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