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Alyssa POV

Realizing that I can't in here forever. "But Blake is still in front of you"my conscience was saying.

I ran, I ran away. to where. I don't know just somewhere. Jut like that one night.

I heard distinct voices behind me, I blocked them out. Until I ran into someone.

I sealed my eyes shut. Hoping that he wouldn't be here in front of me.

I opened my eyes. I saw Mr. griffin. I felt someone else's presence. It is Blake.

I just want to punch someone so bad...Preferably Blake.

I snapped back to reality. I glanced up at Mr. griffin who was grinning ear to ear.

We're going on a field trip Alyssa bring your little boy toy too. he started laughing. my jaw clenched.

Blake smiled. Ugh why does he have to get on my nerves.

I smirked deviously. maybe I can lock him in closet in the museum and leave him there.

He told us to get it the party bus supposedly he wanted us to have fun well he has a bunch of stripper poles around us? thanks.

Faith's POV

I ran I don't know where but somewhere. not listening to the distant voices behind me. I ran fast with the rush of the wind on me.

I eventually found out where I sprinted to. I sprinted to a familiar place where my mom left me and where I took care of myself, My home. I stopped in my tracks glancing backwards seeing if anyone was near.

I felt a presence on me. a shadow of a reflection I dared to never see again. a rival of my life. a person who never was there for me when needed. a traitor. the person who I was a mistake for, whose life I supposedly ruined. the person who doesn't care for or love me. a person who didn't make me strong. But turned me weak,insecure, self conscious. the one who ruined my life.

My dad.

Logan's POV

I can't believe I just let her go just like that. ugh feelings!! are so overrated! I sat at the back of the bus in the corner. well everyone was up close to the front listening to my-step..i mean griffin.

My mind- I love her can't stop thinking about her red dyed hair and her Mickey Mouse shirt,her dark blue eyes

just one friendly feeling not like the other one in my life.

I'm going to kill myself from thoughts just like suicidal thoughts.

We arrived.

To a museum, I felt so lonely without faith or my other mostly. it's like I don't know who I am, she let me see the lights. I opened up. To her even though I missed her so much.

She was the only one who would know what to say. With out saying, you can tell by her facial expression.

I'm so used to feeling this empty void all the time,this depression. no one understand no except her she understands me, she gets me.

Or she put some stupid spell on me... but I felt lonely every Single day of my life, I always isolated myself from everyone, the world. But how come I didn't do that to her, I don't know..

Mind- YOU FUCKING LOVE HER!!! you blind freak.

Eyes- our eye sight is perfectly fine, I eat plenty of carrots..."ranting on and on"

Mind- you can Shut up now..

I'm so isolated that I talk to myself.

Think about the girl you save that day, in your past you "love" her, not Faith!

I walked to the steps of the museum. my phone speedily vibrated.


Faith's POV

My dad.

I wish this was a dream... just like this one dream about him being a stripper performing to " when I grow up" by the Pussycat Dolls.

Ya that was creepiest dream I have ever had...

I called Logan. I just couldn't face

The truth.

Why doesn't he be with daphne,no not the duck, he's stupid stripper of a wife.

He eventually picked up at the third ring. I stopped for a second I felt my vision getting darker and darker.

I heard light words. but I can only make the words of the voice of Logan. I love her.

who does he love probably lexi! ugh, my mind is raged with these thoughts and images of him and lexi!

I felt as if someone hands grasped around my neck choking me...

Devon's POV

I think I might be stalker, but its unfair that he gets her heart! so i'm going after he's ex, ..lexi I smiked deviously at that thought. I don't remember much of my past but one thing remains, Logan loves Lexi not Faith. He always will...

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