Project.3 the mall

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Faith POV

So maybe sitting in a corner hiding from Logan wasn't my best option. Logan eventually found me. For a second I thought he was a kidnapper. But it realized he's cologne is different than a kidnapper. yes I sniffed him, I'm weird okay! don't judge me!

He smells like jasmine but ocean breeze like ,WHAT! DONT JUDGE ME! I'm a person too! I have feelings just like that bee that keeps bothering me!

I sat up in Logan's convertible today he thought it would be nice to up he hood but I disagree because that stupid bee!

Today we have a project on a Saturday... we were suppose to meet up at the mall and all directions will be informed when you get there except for meet up at the kids play place.

Which is the most less interesting place according to Mr. Griffin. I disagree I love this place! it reminds me how my child hood could have been. Then I felt tears rush through my eyes. I try to blink them back.

Till we came to a stop. Logan face was filled with wariness. I try to blink it harder. But I smelled the ocean breeze and jasmine smell again?

He embraced me? Logan embraced me. I felt all giddy and tight inside. I kind of Don't want to let go... I un-grasped out of he's embrace which was so warm and now I'm cold.

My cheeks radiated with heat and turned bright red kind of like a fire truck. I opened my door. shivering was a sign of weakness. Logan gave me he's "haters gonna hate" Black hoodie. The words were outlined in blue and red in a pattern sequence. It reminded me of "him"...

I smiled but falsely and a little truly. It's was harsh. But I couldn't help it my not have my weakness shown again. we walked passed he's ultra marine colored convertible. I pushed pass the glass door. me and Logan started sprinting so we can reach up to the play place. I sighed no one here yet. Seriously!, I caught my breath as a sat on the ground next to a plastic beaver slide.

How can a beaver be a slide? Weird.. I glanced around trying to survey where Logan is. I spotted him glancing at the empty stores?

I also spotted dexter, Caitlin, and Alyssa.

We recognized that we're all here. so we meet up to where me and now Logan are. I stop my calmness and my nervous took my side.

Logan sat next to me on the pretend river.

As he's step dad strolled in. Logan was sending looks that could kill. I nudge him a bit to lighten up.

The reason we are here is because of a project but before I go any further into detail I'm going to leave you guys on your own because my wife is in the hospital. he looked at his phone while he was talking

He said it like it was nothing but by the look on Logan's face it was something I rather not push him past the breaking point.

Hey guys can we do something productive because I have a date in an hour or so dexter said.

Why? Caitlin said.

Because I want to do it with a girl I want to have actually life sorry it's not like I like you or anything.

I turned my glance at Caitlin she looked like she was Going to break down any second.

She walked over to the entrance trying to open the door. key word "trying". she grunted out of desperation anything to get away from dexter. You can tell she can't stop falling for he's arrogant self.

...Maybe I'm psychic.

She realized we are all trapped in here and sprinted to the only thing that would keep her far from dexter. the girls bathroom.

Logan's POV

I sucked in my breath trying not to panic. being in the mall with a girl you love is weird right? I love her? I mostly really like her not love I can't love! I'm not open! I'm not a bird who spreads it's wonderful open wings all over the fucking sky! no I can't love her when I love someone else...

Panicking!!! We're trapped in a mall!!! I'm going to faint from anxiety! I'm going to have a flipping anxiety attack!!!

Faith's POV

I wish I could isolate myself from the whole world. I JUST WANT TO DIE!

Gosh I never want to live again!

No one understands that I want to die like hey..ya um grim reaper down here! ,aren't you suppose to kill me now!?

Just get it over with already.

How can I commit suicide when I'm stuck in an mall...

So many thoughts ran through my brain about possible ways to kill myself.

"Cut!,cut! "*razor*

"Jump off the rooftop"

"Hang yourself"

These we're the ones that stood out the most.

Common sense,common sense.

Let's be reasonable! ...Irony?

I think it would be the first one the others are too noticeable.

I surveyed my surroundings to see if anyone can see me.

No logan that's good because I would get in trouble because we are supposed to be partners.

Logan's POV

I went to the store in the mall that sells razors. I like that feeling where the blood just trickles down your arm and if you cut yourself where you can die I always wanted to do it. I'm going to do it on the rooftop. my hideout. I smirk in the mirror, yes i am in a bathroom. Don't judge me I needed to go somewhere away from my feelings towards a certain someone.


I've been trying to get my mind away from her no not faith my past her.

Thank you captain obvious.

We all know your true feelings just tell her how you feel even though you just talked to her yesterday. and showed her your weird side- "Shut up!

I know I just met her And all. but I can't help my feelings.,stupid brain!

Heard that.

Am I talking to myself?..again.

Maybe I should talk to her... after suicide.

I felt anxious to get this life over with with that I went to a janitorials closet and found the red metal ladder that I always go to when I go to the mall.

To escape from the world around. it feels like I'm being held hostage in this place called life. I sighed as I climbed the ladder and sat on the edge of the rooftop with my legs dangling.

Maybe I should jump off the roof you know that rush feeling with the wind drafting, death I'm coming for you. I smirked.

Faith's POV

I want to have a quicker suicide.

And I know just the way to do it.

I smirked deviously. I sprinted to the janitorial closet. as my death was yet to come.

I climbed and climbed to my hideout.

I stopped in my tracks anxious drop into fear, shocked replaced my anxiousness. I lost my breath. my voice, I lost me.

I stood frozen in my place. My feet were like glued to the ground.

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