Chapter 2: He Came Back

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This is just simply fucking impossible. My mind is just too fucking worked up it's already getting to me. But all of those thoughts were proven wrong when he spoke, the look on his face softening, his eyes full of happiness and longing.

"Hey, Levi. Are you just going to stand there? Where's my long awaited hug?"

I didn't move. I couldn't move. My body felt like it was paralyzed, leaving me standing there like a fucking statue and looking at him with wide eyes. Is he really here? Rein, really in front of me?

"Ok, I'll be the one to hug you instead then." He walked over to me and the moment I felt his warmth enveloped me, I closed my eyes and sighed, my hands wrapping around him.

This is true. He's back. This isn't just some sick ass imagination. This is real, he's with me now and that realization made me breathe a breath of relief.

"Rein... you did come back, you brat."

His arms tighten around me and he nuzzled his nose at the top of my head. "Of course, Levi. I promised, right?"

He pulled away and gave us a little distance, smiling his adorably dorky smile once again. I couldn't stop the way my lips lifted into a smile. I really missed him.

"You're still as bratty as ever, Rein."

"Talk about how you're still as short as ever, Levi."

I punched him in his arm and he winced at the pain I brought and he started rubbing the part I punched to sooth it.

"Really, Levi? That's what you're giving me after not meeting for five years?"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, it's not my fucking fault that neither of you contacted me." Guilt took over his features and he looked down to his feet. Shit, what the fuck are you saying, Levi? It's not like they wanted to fucking do that. Guilt also rolled over me and I looked down to the ground, forcing my mind to form any sort of apology.


My head snapped back to look at him, still looking at the ground. He slowly looked up and meet my eyes, loneliness still pooling inside his although hidden at the very back. I shook my head and sighed. This brat's just too kind for his own good.

"No, Rein. I'm the one who's being the insensitive prick here."

It seemed to do the trick since the brat perked up like a dog would do when it sees a bone. I suppressed the smile that's threatening to show and took a step back to sit at the swing once again. He also did the same, sitting where he did before but with his legs at the both sides of the swing, looking at me with a warm smile on his face.

"What the fuck are you smiling for?"

"It just feels good to be back."

I snorted and rolled my eyes, using my feet to swing back and forth. Feeling his gaze burning holes through me, I looked at him once again, a frown on my face. He is staring at me before his gaze traveled downwards towards the ground beneath my feet.

"Oi, Rein. Can you fucking stop staring?"

"Oh," he looked up to meet my eyes in confusion before it went back to normal. "I just remembered how we met you. You can't make the swing move because your legs are too short to reach the ground." He started to laugh, throwing his head back and tears started to pool in his eyes. "I can still remember what you looked like when you told us that you can't move it."

"Oi, are you making fun of me?"

"N-no." He started to suppress his laugh, his shoulders moving as he did. Wiping the tears in his eyes, taking deep breaths to catch his breath before looking at me. "I just can't believe that many years had passed since then."

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