Chapter 22

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Jay let go of my chin and I looked at Mark and Knight to see them staring at the person who slammed the table. My head turn to see and it was a security guard.

"No PDA on school campus," the security guard threaten and Jay smiled, nodding.

"I completely understand, miss. My deepest apologies," Jay apologized and he stared her in the eyes. The security blinks and smiles, standing up straight with a hint of a blush. "What was it that you were saying?" Jay asked the security guard.

She blinked in confusion.

"I said...what did I say?"

"Look, two teens making out over there," Jay distracted the guard and pointed outside. The security was quick to stopping them and ran out the cafeteria. I was confused and looked at Jay.

"What do you say about us hanging out after school? Just to catch up on things, hm?" He says.

"I wouldn't mind that."

After school, Jay and I went to Starbucks and it was cloudy. We had ran to Starbucks to beat the rain before it caught up to us. When we got inside, we ordered hot coffee and sat next to the window, watching it rain.

"How's life treating you?" Jay asked and I stared out the window, admiring the droplets on the window.

"So far, I would say it has been absolutely crazy," I chuckled and glanced over at him to see him adoring me. My face heated up a bit and I turn my attention back to the droplets on the window. "but now that you're here, I hope it'll treat me great."

In the corner of my eye, I could see him smile a bit then my name was called. He got up and got our coffee. Once he came back, I thanked him and held my cup with both hands because they were cold.

"So, why did you come to Millennium Highschool?" I asked and took a sip of my coffee while looking at Jay.

He sat down and sighed, smiling and held his coffee with both hands on his lap. He stare down at his cup and shook his head.

"Can't you take a guess?" He said and I frown to myself, feeling sorta stupid for even asking that question.

"Still, you could've gone to another highschool," I said and he looked up at me. He put his coffee on the table then place his big, warm hands over mine.

My heart beats fast, my breathing quickens and my whole body feels warm. Just from the touch of his hands, I feel at home. I feel happy and at peace.

"I wouldn't want to be far away from you," he said and those words echoed in my ears. His voice engraved it into my memory.

It was getting late and I had to get home, yet it was still raining. Jay had brought an umbrella and he walked me home. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders while the other one was holding the umbrella.

To feel the warmth of his body, to be under him and to feel safe made me... made me crave him. Never wanting to let him go, never wanting to let go of this feeling. I wrapped one arm around his waist and held his hand that was around my shoulders.

"If you want, Jay, you can sleepover. I'm sure my parents will be happy to see you and let you stay," I said and he rose an eyebrow with a hint of smirk.

"You think?" He replied and look down at me with his warm smile. I blushed, looking up at him then looked at the floor, pressing myself closer to him.

"I wouldn't doubt it," I answered and we continue to walk to my place.

Once we got to my house, I unlocked the front door and walked in first with Jay behind me. I looked around the kitchen and living room for my parents but they weren't down here.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted up the stairs and no one replied. I groan and walk to the kitchen, dragging along Jay. "I was so excited to show them that you're here."

"If it's fine by you, I can wait with you so we can surprise them," he said. A burst of adrenaline ran through my veins and I grin, nodding repeatedly.

"Of course!" I turned around, going to the fridge. "Do you want any food or anything to drink?" I asked.

"No, I'm good," he replied and place his bag and mine down on the floor, "but I do need to run home real quick to get something."

My heart kinda felt broken. Just being away from him now, for even a few minutes, it felt lonely.

"Okay, just be safe and come back here quick. We still have to catch up on things," I said and followed him to my front door and he opened the door.

"I will, doubt worry," he turned around, looking down at me with a smile and it felt like we had been staring at each other for minutes but really, it was just for a spilt second.

I choked up a bit and peck his cheek with a soft kiss then quickly pushed him out the door.

"Okay! Go! Hurry!" I said and slowly close the door, watching him in shock as he opened his umbrella. He chuckle and touch his cheek, smiling and shook his head.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who was felt this way," he winked at me and walked off my porch and walked out of plain sight.

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