Chapter 14 - Date Part 2

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Legna's P.O.V

Knight and I sat in the car in complete silence listening to the crappy music on the radio. I stare out at the window as we waited at the red light. Knight took the AUX cord and plugged it into his phone.

He played my favorite band...Fall Out Boy. He played Immortals as we still waited for the light to change.

"You like this song?" I ask looking at him and he glance at me then smile.

"Yeah," he said tapping the steering wheel along with the beat of the drums. "I feel like they explain me a lot," he said and I chuckle covering my mouth.

He look at me blushing and slightly grin laughing. Now that I think about it...

The songs Centuries, Immortals, Thanks For The Memories and The Mighty Fall actually kinda do explain Knight.

The light change to green and he drove off as the song change to Just One Yesterday. I felt the beat and sing along quietly and Knight sang along with me but just louder than me.

"I'll trade all of my tomorrows for just one yesterday," he sang in a slightly low tone and turn left into the parking lot of the theater.

People with the same taste in music tend to get along much better... Knight.

He pulled up into a parking space in front of the theater and park the car then he took off his seatbelt. Knight didn't look at me once and then I took off my seatbelt, getting out of the car.

Once I step out, wind crash against my soft cheeks. The wind ran through my hair as it flow along with the wind.

Knight was already outside the car staring at me like he was admiring me. I turn my head to the side to look at him and I flash a smile at him. Behind him was Minhee and Mark holding hands together as they swung their hands.

I cough slightly looking away from them then walk in front of the car as Knight follow.

"Shall we go?" He said and gesture towards the movie theater and I nod.

"Of course!" I said nervously and rub my arms looking at the ground thinking. "Of course..." I mumble to myself as I thought of Mark and Knight.

"You okay?" Knight ask as he touch my shoulder.

In a quick flash, I could see a vision of me with...Knight.

Knight and I laid grass beside a huge tree that covers 40 yards. We both stare up at the tree as I had my head resting on his chest. His left arm wrap around me and I was wearing a beautiful blue dress.

I push off Knight hand and breath slightly heavily and nod. "I'm perfectly...fine." My heart race with adrenaline and I felt myself get slightly...happy.

I look up to see the tree I saw in my vision. They didn't take down the tree for centuries...surprising.

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