Chapter 3 - 1st Day of New Beginning

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[A/N: that's Happy above ]

I stare at their arms then look up at Mark. I had to pretend I didn't care!-Not like...I do care anyways. Psh...

"I should get going," I said then walk past them to somewhere I don't know.

My shoulder bump into Mark's by accident and I quicken my speed to get away from them. Odd day. Especially when I feel like I have a connection with Mark...

I slow down when I was out of sight then lean against the lockers. What class am I suppose to go to?...I should've asked. I close my eyes and bang my head onto the locker groaning in frustration. Someone clear their throat then I peek open I eye to see who it is. A girl.

"Excuse me," she spoke in a polite tone then quickly move out of her way. I watch her about to unlock her locker but she look back at me and clear her throat. "If you mind?"

I stare at her dumbfounded then I realize what she meant. "Oh! My apologies!" I said and turn around for her to unlock her locker.

"I see you're new here," She said in a calm tone.

"Y-Yeah..." I said embarrass for giving off a bad impression. " Do you know where the science class is?" I ask and heard her close her locker; then turn around slowly to look at her.

"Yeah. That's actually my next class," she gave off a warm vibe just by her eye smile. "Let me see your schedule." She extend her arm out towards me waiting for me to give her my schedule.

I look in my binder and handed her a slip of paper that has my classes on it. She examine it and smirk; then hand it back to me.

"Well?" I said and she lock her arm with me.

"You're in every class with me." She start to walk so I walk along beside her a bit precaution. "Something tells me you and I are going to be great friends."

"What's your name?" I ask and she look at me with a warm smile.

"Happy," she chuckle and I smile slightly.

"I'm Legna," I held out my hand and she shook it. This is a beginner.

- - - - - - -

I sat next to the window in science class watching the water drop race. The whole time I was just chanting in my head what rain drop should win. Then the teacher call my name.


I snap out of my thoughts and blink my eyes repeatedly looking at the front.

"Yes?" I rose an eyebrow and everyone snicker staring at me. What did I do? My eyes scan the room and made eye contact with Mark. I blush then look away from him to the front of the room.

"Would you like to tell us a few things about yourself?" The teacher ask and I stutter trying to think of what to say.


"No reason to be shy, Legna. You're fine."

I took a deep breath as I stare down at the table then look at everyone.

"There's nothing to know about me. Don't bother trying to get to know me because I'll just end up boring you. Don't try to start drama with me because I'm not that type of person to let you get away with anything."

Someone cough and mumble, "whore" and everyone laugh. I felt embarrass and slowly put my head down; then Mark stood up from his chair.

"Who said that?" He nearly yell in a fierce tone. People went silent then look around the room in fright. Are people afraid of Mark?... "Oh now you're not so brave to say it to other people's face?" Heads turn to the person who said it and it was a female.

Her cleavage is hanging out from her tank top and she is wearing a short shorts. Definitely no skort. Giggles and held back laughter echo in the classroom and the girl got embarrass.

"You should take a good long stare of yourself in the mirror before you start calling people names that explain yourself," Mark said in a serious tone and she look down staying silent.

My eyes made their way to look at Mark and he is looking at me. A smile appear on my lips without purposely doing it. I mouth the words 'thank you' and he nod with a grin.

- - - - - - -

Class ended and I'm standing in the hall waiting for Happy to come out the classroom. I need her to help me find my next class. My next class is history. She step out the room and smile at me.

"I didn't expect you to be waiting for me," she head east and I began to follow her.

"You're my own resource to help me find my class," we went to her lockers and I stood beside her looking at her. She look at me and laugh.

"Aren't you going to get your books?" She put her science books in her locker and pull out history textbooks and notebooks.

"I-I don't know where my locker is either..." I mumble and look down; then she chuckle.

"Let me look at your paper again. I'll help you. The school probably already put your books in there for you." I nod and gave her the paper again.

She took a deep breath and cross her arms, and examine the numbers and letter. Her eyes widen and raise an eyebrow.

"This can't be right," She said and look on the back of the paper where it's blank.

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion and tilt my head to the side.

"Come with me," she grab my hand and drag me down the halls to find my locker. Please tell me I'm not gonna get rape by a woman...or murder. Too many thoughts right now!-Hush, Legna.

We stop in front of a dragon design locker and a blank design locker beside it. I raise an eyebrow observing the design. Quite interesting...very.

"What's wrong?" I ask Happy and she shook her head.

"H-Hurry and grab your books," She said and pat my back. "I'll meet you in history class. B-Bye!" She stutter and speed away away. I look at my watch and saw I only have four minutes left before I switch to third period.

I look at the paper then back at the locker. I blink and shook the paper up and down between my index finger and middle finger. Code-I need to find the code.

I look through my binder then backpack but I could not find my lock code. In fact, I don't think they even given me the code for it. Damn it.

The guy I saw from earlier appear beside me and I look at him. He has a muscular, tall built. His button up black shirt was open a bit at the collar and I began to weaken in the knees by the view. He's dress in all black with a black belt and silver buckle.

He fix his cuffs up to his elbows and it made him even more attractive and handsome. His bangs hung perfectly. His eyes look up at me.

"Can I help you?" He ask in a serious tone matter and deep rasp voice.

I just stare at him with googly eyes at how handsome he is. "Are you deaf?" He ask in a rude tone and wave his hand in front of my eyes.

" apologies," I said and got out of his way. He open his locker and I stood beside him still staring. His scars is catching my attention on how he probably got it.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he said and slam his locker close scaring the living Christ out of me.

"What's your name?" I ask and he rose his eyebrow in surprise. His eyes look at me and sigh swinging his textbook in his hand.

"It's Knight. Now leave me alone, please," he said and start to walk away from me. I had an instinct and grab his bicep gentle. It was a firm grip but it wasn't too hard.

He swung around in anger and look down at me since I am shorter than him. People that are out in the hall gasp and saw what happen. He threaten me with fear in his dark eyes.

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