Chapter 20

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"Knight!" I raise my voice a bit but it only hurt my throat then I held my throat, coughing. Why did my throat had to hurt now?!

"Look, dude," Mark said tapping Knight and Knight look furious, looking around. "It's not what it looks like," Mark said and I look up at the both of them then slid out of the bed.

Knight look at me and he look even more mad. I was still too tired to stand and my legs didn't feel like working. This must look really terrible right now... I plop on the ground because I had gotten light headed. I said "ow" then the both of them rush over to me.

"Don't touch her!" Knight yell at Mark as Knight got his knees and pick me up bridal style then laid me back on the bed. He examine me and I stare at Knight then look at Mark. "Did he hurt you?" Knight ask as he look around the room and saw our clothes laying around the ground.

I stared at Knight and I tried to speak but my throat was hurting too much to even try. Knight brought his attention to me and I frown my eyebrow. He was angry then the both of us look over at Mark.

"Knight, I know it looks bad," Mark said worried, putting his hands up as Knight stomp to him.

"Oh really?" Knight said and he threw Mark's things at him. I reach my hand out trying to speak but even a peep hurt. "Because you being nearly naked, Legna in YOUR sweater and she's in her underwear, your guys' clothes over the ground, her unable to speak and stand makes it seem like you had sex with her." He took a swing at Mark then Mark dodge the punch by pushing his arm to the side.

"Calm down, Knight," Mark said and it only had add flame to his fire.

"Calm down?!" Knight raise his voice and I crawl at the bed edge of the bed to get close to them. "How can I when a girl that isn't afraid of me and makes me happy, is having sex with the person I hate the most!" He shouted and Mark kept backing away from Knight then Knight swung again.

Mark push his fist away but this time, he turn Knight all the way around then put him in a headlock.

"Quit being a fucking airhead and listen before you do something you might regret," Mark said and Knight got out of Mark's grip. Knight kept swinging at Mark and I tried to get up out of the bed but still, I wasn't able to get up. I'm no fucking help!

"You're not gonna take her away from me again!" Knight shouted. Knight had kick Mark hard onto the bed, knocking the air out of him. I held Mark in my arms then I put my hand up in front of Knight.

"Legna, move," Knight said and I shook my head, pointing at my mouth, mouthing the words 'stop' in hope for him to understand. He was just too mad to even notice. Knight clench his fist then he swung towards us...towards Mark, towards me. I held onto Mark, then cover him with my body so he wouldn't get hit but nothing happen.

I peek over to see Mark holding onto Knight's fist tightly and their hands were shaking. "You're so willing to hurt me that you don't care if Legna got hurt in the process," Mark said in anger then used the both of his feet to kick Knight away from us.

Knight stumble back, running onto the dressers and fell down. Mark slowly sat up looking at me.

"No..." Knight mumble silently. "I would never hurt her," He said and his voice sound hurt. "I would never do the same thing to her again," he look up at me and Mark with hurt in his eyes.

"If it wasn't for me, you would've punched her instead of me," Mark said and I felt his arm wrap around my waist, holding me close to him. "Maybe you should leave her alone, Knight," Mark mumble and I look at the both of them as my heart started to ache to see the pain in Knight's eyes. "You're her protector but yet, she still gets you," Mark spoke softly.

They still act like we're the characters in the book.

"I'm sorry, Legna," Knight said as he slowly got up and I reach out to him trying to speak but Mark grab my hand then I look at him. Mark shook his head and Knight had left the room and the house quickly.

"Let him have his space and to think," Mark said and I nodded slowly, staring at the doorway. Knight...

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