Chapter 15 - Awkward

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After the awkwardness with my parents and seeing Mark and Minhee, I block myself from the world hiding in my room. I lock myself inside my room and threw my phone on my bed then plop myself face down on my bed.

I bury my face in my pillow groaning as the memories came up. I was so embarrass. I obviously wasn't embarrass to be with Knight! But I was embarrassed because Knight try to start something with Mark.

My phone vibrated and I groan pushing it away from my face. It vibrated again and again and again. Who's bothering me at this time of night?

I pick up my phone then I turn my head to the side to see who was texting me...Mark.

Message 1

From Mark :
I thought I told you to stay away from Knight.
Message 2

From Mark :
I don't want you to get hurt by him.
Message 3

From Mark : to me. Are you home and safe?
Message 4

From Mark :
You might be sleeping...sorry for spamming you. I'll see you at school. Goodnight, princess.

The last message caught me off guard and I blink staring at it. I blush to myself and a grin came across my face as I reread it. He does care...

"Oh, you're such an idiot, Mark," I said to myself then lock my phone and charge it. I took off Knight's jacket then took off my pants. I was about to put the jacket on my bean chair but I had thought to myself.

Would I be creepy to cuddle with Knight's jacket?... I stare at his jacket and gently lay back onto my bed looking at it. Fuck it. I took his jacket then hug it, wrapping the sleeves around my waist.

As soon as I close my eyes, another vision pop up.

"Legna," I heard Knight say in a soft tone but everything was so blurry. I couldn't see his face clearly, "forgive me for what I done."

I reach up to touch Knight face and I could the slight faint in my voice as my vision got darker. "I'll always be with you, Knight."

I gasp springing up from my bed panting as I look around my dark room. I was breathing heavily then I close my eyes again running my fingers through my hair shaking my head.

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