The Diplomat

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As per tradition, Giselle's coronation is to be celebrated twice: once with the people of Yakim and once with foreign dignitaries. The Rhythm Kingdoms were quick to respond to the invitation, but the Seasons were a bit hesitant; not that Giselle blames them, she didn't necessarily want them around so she can't imagine they'd want to come. The dignitaries had arrived a few days before the coronation, but kept their distance to allow for preparation. Now that each king or queen, or both in some cases, is gathered in the ballroom, Giselle can't imagine why anybody thought this to be a good idea. Ever.

The Ventrallan Queen, Raelyn if Giselle can remember correctly, flounces over and grins like a cat...or maybe a shark.  Her mask for the night is gold with blue glitter designs. A gold filigree butterfly decorated with sapphire and diamonds rests across the right half of the mask, it's wings and antenna stretching farther than the mask itself. Raelyn's dress matches the mask, mostly gold except for the areas of blue outlining gaps in the dress That are arranged to make a butterfly. Giselle makes a point to only look at Raelyn's face and not at the numerous stylistic holes the dress has.

"Darling,  so glad we may finally get together." Raelyn coos, a manicured hand gently touching her side wept hair.

"Yes, I was so pleased to hear you would be able to join me tonight."

Raelyn keeps that grin on her face that says she's about to eat someone, but her commentary is nothing if not polite. "Look at you, you look fabulous. Are you sure you aren't a born Ventrallan?"

"Yes, but the dress is."

Raelyn offers a hum of contemplation before flouncing away to show someone else her butterfly ensemble. Giselle is next visited by the King of Summer. He doesn't stay to chat for very long and, as the night drags on, Giselle finds that none of the Season Kingdoms are willing to stay and talk for an extended period of time. The Rhythm-Season prejudice at its finest.

The celebration is winding down when Noam finally approaches Giselle. She straightens, seeing an opportunity. "Noam,how lovely of you to come."

"Cute, Elle. I've bid my time perfectly, it's the end of the party, no one will notice is we slip away for a bit of time.  Hm?" Noam offers his hand which Giselle accepts carefully.  Noam maneuvers so that her fingers are lightly grasped in his hand, but her knuckles are exposed. He bends to kiss them, watching her with a look she can't identify. "Your majesty."

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