The News

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Another really short one ;P

Nearly a year after Giselle's coronation, a gilded letter comes detailing King Noam's betrothal to some Ventrallan woman. Giselle crumples the paper in an angry fist and her jaw clenches so hard it hurts. It is not that she is angry over the loss of Noam's affection, nor is it the anger of a spurned lover. No, Giselle is angry over the loss of a second kingdom that could've been hers. She is angry over the loss of more land and more resources. Over the loss of more control.

The letter is an invitation Giselle does not intend to respond to. She will not go to the wedding and, while she cannot reject Ventrallan goods, she will ensure no Cordellian goods enter Yakim for quite some time. The loss of business will not sting Noam as much as the loss of a country stings Giselle, but it will be a start.

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