The Idea

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This one is really short!!

As the tour continues, Giselle learns to tell the difference between parts of her country. Sometimes it's the way the land looks or what's growing, other times it's what's being built, but most of the time it's the dialect that gives it away. People who live closer to Putnam have the same sort of accent and colloquialisms that the people in Putnam have, whereas people closer to the Ventrallan border seem to have picked up the Ventrallan accent, lending an odd sort of musicality to their words.

Giselle wonders if anyone has ever studied these linguistic differences and if they have, why such a thing occurs; perhaps she can study it at university. It would be infinitely easier to study the differences in dialect if there were something that could record voices...perhaps she should hire a few engineers to invent such an object. Or maybe she could try her hand at inventing the device herself. Her father had been the engineer of the family, but Giselle can still remember some of the things he taught her and with university resources at her fingertips, it couldn't be too hard.

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