The Question

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Giselle pushes her thumb into the center of her palm and holds it for a second to alleviate the cramp in her right hand. After composing and signing documents for hours, it's no wonder the muscles in her hand are starting to act up. Flexing carefully, Giselle picks up her pen and reads over the document currently in front of her. Most of them are boring and regard maintenance the country needs, like a new road or library, but some of them are a bit more interesting, like requesting permission to bring in Ventrallan glassblowers to put stained glass in one of the universities. Giselle rolls her eyes, no, they are most certainly not brining Ventrallan glassblowers in when Yakim has plenty right here in the kingdom.

"Your majesty?"

Giselle glances up to her advisor. "Yes Montgomery?"

"It has been a few days since your coronation and you have yet to decide whether you will enroll in university. Some of the advisors are wondering if you are going at all. It is not unusual for a monarch to not--"

Giselle, almost offended by the idea that she wouldn't go to university, interrupts Montgomery. "Of course I'm going! I've merely been taking too much time to care for my people to inform you of my final decision. Not, that I need inform you at all." She finishes with a pointed look.

Montgomery bows several times as he backs from the room. "Yes, your majesty. Of course."

Giselle frowns at the closed door before getting back to work. She understands that she is younger than most queens, but that does not excuse her advisor, nor anyone else, from questioning her. If this is what is to be expected until she's old and grey and passing on the throne, then its no wonder one must go through years of training to be suited for the role. Having to explain your every move is exhausting.

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