{ l a n n i s t e r a r m y }

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Fear isn't real, it's merely an illusion we make ourselves believe in when we're in danger. Danger is real, Fear is a choice.

Roxanna sighed as she skimmed over the letter the boy king has sent her, the bastard boy has demanded her to surrender or he would bring his armies to take down both her and her people

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Roxanna sighed as she skimmed over the letter the boy king has sent her, the bastard boy has demanded her to surrender or he would bring his armies to take down both her and her people. Normally, Roxanna would merely scoff at the thought of the blonde hair devil making false threats at her, but this time she knew that this threat wasn't empty.

Her loyal advisor, Marianne heard her sigh and spoke, " My lady, if I may..I suggest we form an alliance with the north..""The Starks are dead Marianne, Sansa Stark resides with the Bolton bastard, Robb Stark and both their parents are dead, no one has seen or heard of both Rickon nor Bran. Why should we ask for an alliance witha nonexistent house?", Roxanna looked at her advisor with a raised brow and a straight face. "Not all the Starks are dead or lost my lady.. Jon Snow still lives and has taken the role of Lord Commander of the Wall.If we were to form an alliance with him, we would have the advantage and help of the men of the wall to end the tyranny of the Lannister boy...".

The lady of house Foxglove was conflicted, to others the lady of the dead was straight faced and no one would be able to guess what she was thinking or feeling at the moment, none but Marianne.

"I..", Roxanna was cut off by the bells of the watchtower ringing and the sound of a man shouting."LANNISTERS APPROACHING!!! LANNISTERS APPROACHING!!!".

Both Roxanna and Marianne ran towards the nearest balcony and looked ahead wanting to believe that this was a false alarm, but instead this was the opposite. Across the lake of incendia were thousands and thousands of Lannister men marching towards their beloved home.

Roxanna ran towards the courtyard trying to find a way to help, but then a man collided with her..it was Yorendai, her strongest general and battle strategist, Yorendai helped her up and started to usher her towards the stables. Roxanna, already knowing what is to come violently shook her head, " No I have to stay, I have to help my people..." "Your no good to our people dead my lady...you must leave, Malachai , Marianne and the strongest of us will come with you to protect you, but you must leave", Roxanna had no time to argue more when Marianne took her hand and dragged her to the stables, she quickly helped Roxanna on to her steed and rushed to get to hers. Together Roxanna, Marianne , Malachai and the rest of the troop rushed out of their most cherished home.

Towards the unknown....

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