{ e p i l o g u e }

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"Now I'm comforting myself, I tell myself there's no such thing as a perfect world
and now I'm emptying myself bit by bit"

"Now I'm comforting myself, I tell myself there's no such thing as a perfect world and now I'm emptying myself bit by bit"

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The rain fell peacefully on the ground, creating puddles surrounding fallen flowers from the trees. The sun had just set as both Marianne and Malachai sit on either side of the bed in which Roxanna lay. Her skin pale and slick with sweat & tears, her eyes glazed with a haze of exhaustion. Her breath coming out in short puffs of smoke, as she tried to hold in the pain in her veins.

She sits up slightly causing Marianne to stop her , "Milady, you need to rest", she said helping Roxanna back into a sleeping position. Roxanna shook her head ,"I need him, call him here please..", she said looking into Marianne's eyes. Marianne's face turn slightly pale in shock before nodding and running out to find the person Roxanna was referring to.

"Are you sure milady? He isn't ready--", "Are we ever ready to face our fate?", Roxanna said cutting into what Malachai was saying whilst looking into his eyes with tired determination. Then they heard loud footsteps and a young mans voice. "Mother!!!".

In came a young man, the age of 17 wearing royal garments and headband keeping his long hair neat

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In came a young man, the age of 17 wearing royal garments and headband keeping his long hair neat. His face streaked with fallen tears that look hastily wiped and as his eyes fall upon Roxanna's weak body and he all but ran to her side, holding onto her pale hand. "What happened?", he said in a voice barely a whisper, Roxanna smiled weakly and lifted her other hand to wipe the fresh tears falling from his face. "I believe that it is time for me to leave this world", she said softly , to which he shook his head to.

"No, please..not now..please", his voice cracked with sobs as more tears fall from his face. She smiled once more and held his face within her soft and cold hands, whilst wiping away his tears. "My time has come, and your time is to begin but don't worry..I will always be with you my son, my Gidae", she said as one lone tear fell from her eyes.

Her body grew weaker and her eyes slowly began to droop, Gidae covered her slipping hands with his as he shook his head, trying to grasp the situation in front of him.

Her eyes closed shut, a tired smile resting on her pale lips and the only sounds left in the room, were the sobs of the people who had just lost their queen.


The entire palace was buzzing like a busy beehive getting ready for the event but instead of getting ready or helping the others prepare, Marianne was running around every nook and cranny of the palace halls, searching for the lost boy. She then passed a room when she heard a small bang from it and smiled to herself slightly. She went in and looked around, listening for any noises when she heard another soft bang from the closet.

She opens the closet door and there sat Gidae in his red robes. She smiled softly at him a stretched a hand out towards him. He grabbed her hand softly and let her pull him out of the closet. He stood up and smoothed his robes out slightly, looking down with a forlorn expression.

She smiled sadly, "Whats wrong Gidae?", she asked him. "It is such an important day, one I had always hoped I would share with her", he said trying to control his emotions and keep his tears in.

"Remember what she said, she is always with you", she said causing Gidae to let a small smile go on his face.


"By the power resting on us passed on by the faith of our eternal queen, I hereby pronounce you king and leader of the Foxglove house and name", exclaimed the grand maester, Malachai then walked up to Gidae and gingerly placed the crown on his head before walking back towards his place.

The grand maester then stands in front of the people and said ,"I present to you King Gidae, first of his name, king of the Foxglove house and name. Long may he reign and may his reign be long". The people then took to a knee and repeated the maesters words.

"King Gidae!! Long may he reign and may his reign be long", they kept repeating those words all whilst the new king sat on his throne with a straight face and a heavy heart.

"Mother, help me with my journey"

Its finished!!! OMG its finally done!!!

I am so sorry for keeping you all waiting but here is the ending for Ephemeral!!
What did you guys think? I'm sorry I ventured of the track it was originally on but I got so many ideas and such.

Yes, from the beginning it wasn't following the series's plot line and the characters were slightly OOC and I am so sorry for that but I really hope you end up liking the story.

If many people asks for it, maybe I will post a sequel?

Anyways, thank you guys for sticking to this story and not leaving it, even when it got boring and such!!

Thank you guys!!

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EPHEMERAL || JON SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now