Game Of Thrones Nominations

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Hey guys, I am soo soo sorry about not updating lately, I really really am its just I kind of lost faith that you guys were liking this story cuz I've been seeing a lot of reading and yet a few comments and few votes and I know I sound greedy and selfish but thats just how I feel.

So just a few minutes ago I was about to give up on this story when someone aka desolatedarling (btw U r amazing!!) nominated me for BEST JON SNOW fanfic, so it gave me hope to write this book again!!!

So starting tomorrow or maybe tonight the updates will be coming mor frequently and that is because of my readers and commenters and voters, thank you all sooooo much!!!

And for those who want to vote this book, be sure to check out the Game Of Thrones Nomination book created by the lovely and awesome author who gave the nomination!!! Thanks again!!!

Love You Guys!!!

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