{ c a s t l e }

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It takes people less than 10 seconds to fall in love but it takes to years to fall out of love.

It was cold inside the walls of the castle but, that is to be expected from the fact that it was well placed in the north and although the cold is chilling till the bone, it doesn't distract Roxanna from the fact that she didn't think this through

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It was cold inside the walls of the castle but, that is to be expected from the fact that it was well placed in the north and although the cold is chilling till the bone, it doesn't distract Roxanna from the fact that she didn't think this through.

Yes, she came to form an alliance and ask for refuge but, she has not a single clue what to say. All she can do is to keep her face in her perfected mask as to not show weakness.
Ser Davos was leading them to what appears to be a banquet hall, and there seated at the table was Jon Snow himself.

They stopped walking right in front of the white wolf and Ser Davos joined his lord commander at the table.

"Roxanna Foxglove of house foxglove and Queen from the dead, I presume?", he asked with a raised brow "Jon Snow, Lord Commander of the nights watch and bastard of Ned Stark?", Roxanna said in a teasing way.

"Why have you come?", "Our kingdom has been attacked by the Lannister bastard", Roxanna said with a hint of venom in her voice.
"Tommen Baratheon is a Baratheon".."And yet you and I agree that he is more Lannister than Baratheon, don't we?", she looked at him with an unyielding stare.

"It still doesn't explain why you've come to castle black milady..", this time he looked at her with a curious expression. "We've come to ask for an allegiance, in which we provide men to help you claim back your winterfell and you help us take back our home", "And why should I make an alliance with a foxglove? How do I know your not going to betray the north?", Jon said with a glare in his eyes.

"And why should I betray the North? I have no reason to.." "And what if your a spy sent by the Lannisters to gain our trust and betray us just as what happened towards Robb?", said Ser Davos cutting in, Roxanna then lost her cool and glared heatedly at the men, "Robert Baratheon betrayed and murdered my entire family with the help of the bastard Lannisters, he was not my king and neither is his supposed son. Why should I give a damn to a house liars and murderers", Roxanna said.

The two men exchanged looks, when a voice cane from the entrance, "I say that this alliance is destined to be formed, and that we could use the help of a great house", they all looked towards the entrance and there stood the redheaded wildling from before but while everyone's eyes were on him, his eyes were only for Marianne..." And besides, I think its time we offered our help and not just ask without returning the favor".

Roxanna looked back towards the wolf dressed in black, and saw a hint of a smile in his face and then he spoke the words that sealed fate, both hers and his..

"Well then, it seems we have an alliance"

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Well here is the new chapter, sorry if its short or if Jon is a little OOC, but on a different topic Tomrund and Marianne my smoll little bean are so cute, leave your thoughts on that in the comments.


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