{ d e n o f t h e w o l f }

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There is only three things that I will follow till the day of my death...Honor,Loyalty and the Truth

It took us a week to get to the wall, we had a limited amount of food and water and so we had to stop and hunt

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It took us a week to get to the wall, we had a limited amount of food and water and so we had to stop and hunt. We were tired and cold but, we were determined...vengeance driving us too push forward, until we arrived at the wall.

"The walls do look as dark as the night sky", Marianne exclaimed in awe. The gates opened and a single man came out, his face weathered by age and his hair white as snow, 'Davos Seaworth The former smuggler', Roxanna thought.
"Who goes there?", he exclaims, Roxanna slowly rides forward meeting Davos' eyes, "Roxanna Foxglove of house Foxglove, we come seeking refuge" "Foxglove? As in the queen born from the dead", asked Davos with a hint of fear and awe in his voice, all Roxanna did was smirk at him,

Davos waved his hand towards the gatekeeper in the tower and the gate opened for them to come in.

Roxanna expected to see men in black training or men drinking ale but, instead she was greeted with grim faces and frosted cloaks.
All around her were men who looked as if they were fighting their last fight and some men looked as if they were covered in a layer of frost-"Wildlings", Marianne cut of her train of thought causing Roxanna to look at her but she was looking at a man with red hair and covered in frost," They are the free folk that resides from beyond the wall",she continued looking away from the red haired man after he caught her stare.
"What are they doing on this side of the wall?", Malachai asked, "It is not our business..we come her to ask for help and refuge and that is what we shall do", Roxanna says her head facing straight forward.

Roxanna stops and the rest of her men-and women- followed, her eyes looking straight towards the man standing on the balcony above them, his dark raven hair flowing with the wind, his dark eyes looking back at her, Jon Snow.
Roxanna looks down and gets off her horse, her followers doing so as well and as she walks towards the open doors of castle black, she can feel her heart thumping loudly with each step, knowing that whatever decisions made in those walls will decide the fate of her people and herself.

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So I decided to add this part, and I know it isn't perfect but I hope it will be satisfying to you guys.


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