{ h o l d m e t i g h t }

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"As ever, a light shines from you as ever, you're like a fragrant flower please believe me now hold me again so I can feel you pull me in and hold me tight"

"As ever, a light shines from you as ever, you're like a fragrant flower please believe me now hold me again so I can feel you pull me in and hold me tight"

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The air was thick, filled with tension. The only sound heard were hushed whispers and sighs.

Jon Snow sat with his hand holding one of Roxanna's hands. His face etched with sorrow as he feels her ice cold hand. He looks at her covered up in multiple blankets and coats to help her warm up.

'I should've been faster and more alert', he thinks to himself as he remembers the earlier events.


"Roxanna!!!!",  he yells as her body disappears under the lake.

His yell alerting Ser Davos and the rest of the soldiers nearby.

He rushes towards the lake and peers down trying to get a glimpse at her before taking of his coat and armor.

He then jumps into the water, swimming towards the two bodies he sees. He pulls the wildling away from Roxanna's body before holding her and bringing them back above.

He lays her body on her back and shakes her in an attempt to wake her up.

"Wake up..WAKE UP ROXANNA!", he says in panic before positioning her head and giving her CPR. He does so for a few minutes, each time stopping only to breath and shake her once more.

"Don't do this to me Roxanna..PLEASE!!", he yells pleadingly as he covers her mouth with his in another attempt to get her to breath.

Tears well up in his eyes as he tried once again whilst cradling her cold body in his arms. His emotions swirl up inside of him, like wind turning into a tornado. Then she began coughing, Jon let out a startled gasp as helped her sit up and patted her back Jon let out a short relieved laugh before wrapping her still cold and now trembling body in his coat.

"You scared me, my lady", he said letting a small brief smile grace his lips but the smile soon drops and he notices Roxanna's still body. Worry fills his senses as he stands up with her in his hands and runs towards the Maester shouting for help.


He felt her hand twitch causing him to look up at her face. Roxanna slowly opens her eyes before flinching as the bright light fills her vision.

Jon sat up slightly and straightened his back, his hand still loosely holding hers.

Roxanna moved to sit up causing Jon to move quick and help her, "Careful, you've been out for a while", he said in a soft soothing voice causing her to look at her eyes. Their eyes stay connected for a while before she averts her eyes , "How long?", she asked closing her eyes for a moment and shaking her head.

"A day. You've been out for a day", Jon said still looking at her face causing Roxanna to glance at his face for a moment before looking down again.

"You look as if you were worried", she said with slight sarcasm in her voice. Jon frowned, his face still looking at hers as though looking through her soul, "I am worried", he said causing Roxanna's eyes to quickly snap towards his, surprise clear in her face.

The moment was shattered when the maester returned, "My lady, your awake", he said before ushering Jon out of the room to check up on her.

Roxanna blacked out what the maester was saying, her thoughts still caught up on what Jon said
"I am worried" and for a moment Roxanna let a smile grace her lips.


Ser Davos walked the halls of the palace, his face set in a scowl and his coat dragging behind him. His mind has been set as he recalled his earlier conversation with Jon.

"You act as if you've known her forever Jon", Ser Davos said looking at the normally sullen looking commander.
Jon let a smile grace his already happy face, "It feels as though I have Ser Davos", he said looking at him.

Ser Davos looked at Jon confused, "You don't..love her do you?", he hesitantly said causing Jon to look down, his smile growing.

"I do not know if this is love I feel but I do know that I care for her..more than I hope to admit", he said before walking away.

Ser Davos knocked on the door of Roxanna's bedroom, hearing a soft come in from said girl.

He opened the door and looked at the pale lady before letting out a loud sigh.

"Is something wrong Ser?", she said worried, Ser Davos looked at her with troubled eyes. "It seems as though you have managed to do something that I thought would never happen", he said causing her to look at him confused..

"You have managed to capture the heart of our commander", he said looking at her surprised and shocked face.

"I assure you Ser Davos that I have done no such thing", she said shaking her head, "Jon is nothing more than an ally".

"Are you sure about that milady?", he said with a stern voice, "If Jon were to come here and confess his feelings, would you tell him the same or say what you have just said to me?", he said coming closer towards her.

"I..i",she said shaking her head, her emotions swirling in her dark eyes.

"LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME YOU DO NOT HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM?", he said as she looked down," I don't know", she said in a meek voice whilst shaking her head.

Ser Davos looked down before walking towards the door,"If you were to accept, than Jon would be breaking his vows and deter from the cause that he has worked so hard for, if you care for her than I suggest you do whats best for him milady", he said not sparing a glance at her before walking out of her bedroom , leaving a troubled and confused Roxanna.


What will Roxanna do? Will she do as Ser Davos says?

Sorry for the long update, a lot of things came up and I havent been able to finish this and even so I am so sorry for the short chapter, next chapter will be long I promise!!

And  please stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

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