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"I want to stay here, I still want to dream here even so I know the time to leave has come near,

Yeah it's my truth, it's my truth that these scars are drawn across my skin..but it's my fate, it's my fate.."


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Roxanna's head snapped towards the door, her hands slightly shaking as she hears Jon's voice asking if he could come in.

She answers back with a voice slightly louder than a whisper, he opens the door.. his eyes light up slightly as he sees her, he walks towards her in slow and steady steps.

"Milady, if it's not much trouble..may I ask for a walk around the gardens with you?", he says..shifting his feet slightly. Roxanna's lips twitch at the sight of a nervous Jon Snow but she nods nonetheless.


They walk pass the blooming roses, jade vines and chocolate cosmos. Her red and gold dress gliding gracefully across the grass, her golden crown glistening under the sun. Her hands clasped together in an effort not to show that she was nervous with the him being close to her.

He stole glances at her whilst they walked, in awe of her grace that radiates around her making her seem like a gentle beauty, masking the everlasting blood lust he saw during the fight to reclaim her home. She is a warrior wrapped in golden lace, her flaws only making her seem perfect in his eyes.

She clears her throat and turns around to face him but immediately regrets doing so, he stands about five inches away from her, close enough so that she can feel his cold breath on his face. He smells of what could be the winter snow and (oddly enough) vanilla. She clears her throat and takes a step back.

He steps back as well, missing the close proximity between them. She clears her throat once again, steeling herself before looking up into his eyes, "What is it you wanted when you asked for a walk Jon?",she said sternly, keeping her eyes on his forehead so that she wouldn't look into his eyes.

He glanced down for a second then opened his mouth to speak, "We have reclaimed your home milady and that is an excellent feat but my men are getting restless and the fact that we have received less and less news from the north, I feel that it is time for us to return and reclaim our home", he said looking at her eyes.

Roxanna nodded and turned around, "I will lend you as many men as you need Jon Snow as that is our agreement", she said whilst reaching a hand out to caress a jade vine in bloom, "but my place is her, with my people, in my home and so..I will not be joining your fight to reclaim your home",she said causing him to look at her confused.

"We could use your help milady, your skills will be an excellent advantage against the Ramsay", he said trying to find an excuse for her to join them, for her to be there with him. She shook her head, a sad smile on her lips as she turned around to face him once again, "It's time for our paths to separate but hopefully they will cross again", she said before moving to walk past him but he stopped her, pulling her to him by her waist.

"What if I don't want to separate?", he said.. his voice a mere whisper against her skin, causing her to blush slightly. "That is not for us to decide", she said in a soft voice, softer than a whisper causing him to shake his head, "I believe it is us to decide if we desire it as badly as the other", he said moving his head slightly closer to hers.

She wanted, badly to whisper to him that she agreed with what he said but she remembered Ser Davos's earlier words and lightly pushed him away.

He looked at her with a heartbroken look on his face as she looked down and cleared her throat before straightening herself, "No matter how badly either of us wants it, such things can never come to life Jon", she said looking at him with eyes void of emotion.

He looked down, catching the other meaning to what she said and nodded before pushing past her towards the castle. She waited until she could no longer hear his footsteps before letting out the tears she had kept from falling.

Sharp gasps escaped her mouth and she tried to calm herself down but alas she couldn't. She then remembered what her mothers last words were to her regarding love, 'The moment you feel as though you are physically in pain from the though of losing the one you love, that is when you know that you have truly found your true love", Roxanna shook her head slightly, 'I feel as though my heart is ripping apart mama, is it because I have truly lost him?', she thought to herself that.

Then she felt a drop of water on her skin which caused her to look up, one by one rain fell down..it was as if the sky was crying with her and sharing her sorrow. She let out a louder sob as she grasped her chest, as pain filling her unlike any other.

She suddenly saw glimpses of some sort of transportation riding though dark roads, water dropping onto puddles and blood.

She yelled in pain but it was as if no one heard her, she pulled at her hair and fell on her knees and opened her mouth to scream but no noise came out and then her eyes snapped shut, as her body fell onto the cold grass..her last thoughts were to the one she loved.


I had hoped and wanted to finish this in 2016 but things came up but hopefully I am going to finish this by tomorrow or the next day!!!

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Song for the chapter is Awake by Jin BTS

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