{ w o l f o f t h e w a l l }

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To forsake your pride for the sake of others, makes you the strongest man in the world.

To forsake your pride for the sake of others, makes you the strongest man in the world

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Thats all she can see from the top of the hill she stands on.
Her beloved kingdom set ablaze and her cherished people reduced to screams.
Malachai stood upon his horse beside her, shock written upon his face and Marianne on her other side, tears streaming down her face.
"What shall we do now, my lady?", asked Trinion, "We've no where to go...". Roxanna looked down trying to control her emotions, then she felt a hand touch hers, she looked up and Marianne gave her a soft smile, "We've still have one place to go". Roxanna sighed and looked back at her home once more knowing that Marianne's advice has never failed her before, "We head north towards the wolf of the wall""But my lady..." "No buts, the only chance we have right now is to head north."
Roxanna turned her horse around looking at the few with her, " I'm not going to force you to come if you do not wish to, but as of now the only hope we have is to ask help... So, whoever wishes to leave speak now." Roxanna looked at the faces in front of her, slowly filling with determination and smiled.
She turned her horse around and rode front with her troops- her friends behind her following, towards the endless cold of the wall.

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