{ f e e l s }

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Its a difficult thing, to catch a star but its much easier and dangerous to catch feelings.

She crouched behind a bush, behind what seems to be five Lannister soldiers.

Today was the day they reclaim her home from the savages that dare lay they hands and stomp their feet on it.
She looked down towards her hand which was clutching her sword, but that wasn't what caught her attention, what caught her attention was the bracelet that lay on her wrist, it was a simple leather bracelet with a wood carving of a wolf dangling from it, she bit her lip as she remembered what happened earlier that day.


There they stood at the banquet hall or what seems to be one at least, discussing the plan to reclaim her home.

They had all already travelled and had set camp a few miles away from Rosciass, to make sure they could see the kingdom but remain unseen at the same time.

They had all agreed that the attack will be placed the moment the sun set but, when the topic of her coming was brought up, Jon Snow eyes turned dark, "Absolutely not!!", he said with anger causing Roxanna to give him a confused and shocked look," The lady should stay here where its safe, so should the rest of the women and children", at his words Roxanna's face became red with anger, "I am their QUEEN!! I am a capable fighter and I should be there to take back my home from its oppressors", she said glaring back at Jon's eyes with equal ferocity and anger but there was another emotion hidden in her eyes...pain, Jon realized that she feels the need to prove herself towards her people again, just like he feels the need to prove himself to the wildings and the remaining people of the nights' watch.

Jon opened his mouth ready to retort when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to see Davos giving him a warning look," Let it go Jon, we don't have the privilege to tell her what to do and we won't", he said solemnly.

Jon then looked towards Roxanna's eyes,"Fine..", he said with a hint of sorrow before standing out of his chair and leaving.

He was walking, stomping on the grounds wanting to do something to let go of his anger when her heard a voice from behind him, her voice, "Jon Snow!!", she said running after him.

The sound of her voice made him stop in his place and turnaround only to receive a slap to his face.

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!", she said angrily whilst glaring daggers towards his eyes.

He merely looked at her with sorrow before embracing her tightly. Roxanna was confused and didn't know what to do so she let her hands lay limply by her sides.

When Jon let her go he took her hand and put a leather bracelet on her wrist,"Why are you giving me this?", she said softly, "I''m not giving this to you, I am lending it to you", he said looking at her eyes with an emotion Roxanna couldn't decipher, "Keep safe Roxanna, I will be waiting for that bracelet back when this is all over, when we both have our homes back," he said before placing a kiss upon her forehead and leaving both himself and her confused.

End of flashback

Roxanna shook her head, now was not the time to dwell on unexplainable things,so when Ser Davos gave the single, she attacked killing mercilessly.

She was doing well when she tripped a Lannister soldier over and his helmet came off, showing her the face of not a monster but of one of her men,
* he looked at her with fear and helplessness his eyes begging for mercy but, she gave none. She killed faster and with a ruthlessness no one ever saw in her.

When the battle ended whats left of the so called Lannisters and traitors was a mess of blood and bones, she walked to wards the center of the courtyard and saw three men bound and gagged, she looked at their faces to see that they were of her best men but most importantly they were her friends , she looked towards Malachai who was standing beside Jon and Ser Davos,"These are the traitors my lady," he said with sorrow and anger towards himself and Roxanna understood why, one of the traitors was Korvik, the man who Malachai had always loved but could never have due to the fact that Korvik desires females.

Roxanna looked at Malachai with sorrow in her eyes before slowly walking towards the bound men, she raised her sword and out of the corner of her eye she could see Malachai closing his eyes, Her sword swung and cut the bounds of the men, she looked at them straight in their eyes," Don't take my mercy as weakness, if I even hear or see you in my home ever again I will see to it that you will have a fate far worse than death,", she said angrily.

The three men looked at her nervously before running away from her home, she stood there silently, before walking towards the lake of inscendia hoping to find a little peace.

She stood there in front of said lake before letting out a yell and falling on her knees, tears falling down her face, yes she had reclaimed her home but at what cost? It is now merely a shadow pf what it once was, a mere broken kingdom.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Jon standing behind her, she stood up and quickly tried to wipe her tears but stopped when Jon held her hand," Don't wipe them away, its okay to have feelings sometimes," he said looking at her eyes.

They said in that position for a while when she saw something behind him, "Look out!!", she said before pushing taking his sword and pushing her out of the way, she used his sword and stabbed the creature who tried to attack him and tried to push it towards the lake only to be dragged along with it down into the cold waters.

The last thing she saw was Jon's worried face before the darkness overcame her.

I am SOOOOOO SOOO SORRY for this shitty chapter, but it also just so happens to be the longest chapter I have ever written so props to me for that I guess.

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