{ s p a r k }

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Love starts as a spark that begins within which turns in to a flame that burns towards the end.

The north was colder than Roxanna thought, even with a roaring fire ablaze she still needed a thicker dress and a thicker coat than she needed back home.

She was reading her fathers favorite book and the last book he ever read. Marianne stood behind her, braiding parts of her hair when she spoke, "I know for a fact that your father would be proud of the person you are today, my lady", her voice calm and soothing causing Roxanna to frown. She stood up and walked towards the mirror in the corner of the room , "I wish he was here today and mother as well".

She stood there looking at her reflection, imagining what her life would be if her family was alive, "My lady , forgive me for being brash but what of you brother?", Marianne said cautiously.

Roxanna then glared at Marianne through the mirror causing her to flinch but Roxanna then looks down slightly ashamed, "My brother chose to fight when he could have come help my mother and even though things would still be the same even if he helped my mother, I still can't help but feel anger towards him", she said with a hint of guilt in her voice. Marianne looked down, "I understand my lady, forgive me for speaking out of line" "You didn't speak out of Marianne, you were merely curious and there is no fault in that", she said looking at Marianne with a hint of a smile.

They then heard the sound of a bunch of what seems to be plates falling to the ground, Roxanna and Marianne immediately went outside of the room to see the redhead wilding hurrying to clear up the plates causing Marianne to let out a giggle which made him look up towards both of the women.

"I am so sorry for the noise my ladies, I-I will be gone after this is cleaned up", he said with a slight stutter,  Marianne then looked towards Roxanna with a hint of want to help him to which she nodded.

Marianne then crouched near him and helped him clean the plates, causing him to stare at him in slight awe. "Do you have a name?", Marianne asked him with a smile on her face, " Tomrund my lady and-d-d- you are?", he said still stuttering causing Marianne to let out a laugh, "Marianne is my name".

Roxanna smiled looking at them talk, before slowly walking away but before she could leave the hall she heard a voice, "They would make a lovely couple, do you agree?", Jon Snow said walking towards her, "Yes, I agree", Roxanna said with a slight glare looking at the commander.

He looked towards the two people laughing while cleaning the broken plates before looking at Roxanna, his face merely a breaths away, "There is something about you my lady that both infuriates me and intrigues me", he said looking down slightly causing his nose to bump into hers making her blush lightly, "Whatever it is, I intend to find out what it is", he said before walking away causing Roxanna to be the one gazing after him this time.

Please don't hate me for this extremely late update and extremely shitty short chapter but I would really like to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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