2: an ordinary day

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"Rise and shine doll." Bucky calls out as he opens the door before closing it just as quick, the action making me groan in response.

"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes as I reach for my phone, Bucky's head peeking through the door as he opens it again and looks in.

"Everything okay doll? You're usually up by this time." He says.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reassure. "Just a little tired." I add managing to give him a tired, sleepy smile.

"Okay." Bucky says not pressing harder. "We'll be in the living room if you need anything."

"Thanks." I say, laying back on my bed as soon as the door closes.

After laying there for a while, I let out a puff of air through my cheeks and force myself to get up, sighing as I look in the mirror after changing clothes, dark circles prominent underneath my eyes.

Is that a panda? I think to myself. A raccoon? Oh wait, it's just me.

I'll have to put some makeup on to cover them up before heading out.

My lips curve upwards as I reach the kitchen and see the team gathered together, engaged in small talks as they have breakfast. Before joining, I stop in my tracks, closing my eyes as I take a deep breath, jumping when I feel a hand on shoulder, my body immediately tense.

"You okay?" Steve asks.

"I'm okay." I say giving him a small smile, his blue eyes looking at me with concern, but after a few seconds, I manage to relax.

"Come on." He says. "They're waiting for us."

With a nod, I follow behind him taking a seat with the others.

"You have to try Vis' pancakes." Wanda says handing me a plate.

"Vision made pancakes?" I ask glancing back at the kitchen.

"It's my first try but they didn't turn out too bad." He says. "I thought it would be nice to make something for everyone."

"Thank you Vision." I say. "They smell amazing."

During breakfast, I stare at my plate and stay quiet, too caught up in my thoughts to notice that everyone quieted down, the team looking at me with concern.

"Vanessa?" Someone calls out.

"Are you with us kid?" Tony asks.

"Huh?" I ask blinking a few times. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I was just thinking."

"About?" Bruce asks.

"That I need to go to the store to buy some stuff. Is it okay if I go?" I hesitantly ask, even though I already know what the answer is.

"I still don't think it's a good idea kid." Tony says with an apologetic look.

"Until when do I have to stay in the tower?" I ask, letting out a sigh.

"Until we know the reason why Hydra took you." He says, in a tone that leaves no room for argument.

"That could take forever." I say with a frown. "Besides, I really think Hydra took a chance with me. They weren't going after the portals, they were trying to get information."

"Information?" Natasha questions slightly raising a brow. "What kind of information?"

That's right. We haven't really talked about what happened much. Should I tell them? What will they say? My answers could determine the rest of my day.

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