5. Like old times

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I thought last night was weird, but to my surprise what's even weirder is the way the Avengers are acting this morning.

"You started without me?" I say with a slight pout as I see everyone eating already.

"Sorry kid." Tony says with an apologetic look. "We were starving and we didn't know if you were still sleeping."

"It's okay." I say letting out a small laugh. "I don't mind. Sorry for waking up so late."

"Were you able to get some rest?" Natasha asks.

"I did." I say with a smile. "I actually slept pretty good."

"That's good to hear." Steve says with a smile.

"We saved you your favorite dish." Pietro says, proudly placing a plate full of food in my place.

"You should've seen him." Wanda says. "He did everything possible to save you a plate and keep it from them." She adds pointing at Sam and Thor.

"Thank you Pietro. I appreciate it."

"By the way," Tony says, "we want to talk to you after breakfast."

"So soon?" Steve asks exchanging a glance with him.

"You know me, I can't wait very long. I might as well just tell her already."

"Spoiler alert!" I say covering my ears, the team's attention on me. "If you say anymore I'm not going to be able to eat breakfast peacefully." I add making Tony smirk.

"Fair enough kiddo. Meet us at the lab later."

"Will do." I say giving him a thumbs up.

For the remainder of breakfast, I can't stop thinking about what Tony wants to talk to me about, taking my time eating breakfast in an attempt to make the waiting time longer. I'm not entirely sure what it's about, but hopefully it's something good and not Tony saying he needs to run more tests.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice someone sitting next to me, the rest of the Avengers already done with breakfast moving on with their daily routines.

"Everything okay?" Bruce asks.

"Yes. I was just thinking." I say giving him a small smile. "Why?"

"Because you haven't finished your breakfast yet." He says. "You're usually one of the first ones to finish." He points out looking at my plate.

"I know." I say looking at my plate. "I guess I'm just nervous?"

"It's okay." He says softly patting my shoulder. "Take your time. Meet us when you're ready."

"Thank you Bruce." I say giving him a grateful smile, taking another spoonful of food as he disappears along with the others.

After an eternity, I finally manage to finish my food. Swallowing hard as I place my plate on the sink, heading down to the lab where we agreed to meet, though much to my surprise, Tony is the only one here.

"Um, Tony?" I say hesitantly stepping into the lab.

"Oh, kiddo. You're here." He says with a small smile. "Take a seat."

Nodding, I stiffly sit on a chair and wait for him to begin, my leg bouncing up and down.

"No need to be so tense kiddo."

"Don't worry." Bruce says from behind me. "No more tests." He reassures, giving me an apologetic look as I let out a breath of relief, my shoulder relaxing significantly.

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