Chapter 1

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"And remember guys!" I say to the camera. "Don't cry! Craft!" Phil and I say in unison.

I turn off the camera and start packing things up, but Phil stops me.

"Dan? Can I talk to you about something?"

"No Phil, you cannot tell me, your best friend, flat mate, and collaboration partner anything" I say sarcastically, which earns me a grin from Phil.

"The Phandom has been bothering me lately, I don't know what it is, but the things they're saying.........about us....."

The room goes completely silent. We both knew he was talking about the ship...'Phan'. I had been more comfortable with it than he has been, whenever someone talked about it, he'd just go silent for some reason.

"Phil" I said "Does the ship really bother you that much?"

He nodded. So badly I wanted to walk over to my best friend and comfort him, but I couldn't. I was completely comfortable with the ship, only because I so badly wanted it to happen. Yes. I Daniel James Howell am in love with my best friend Phillip Michael Lester. I'm not exactly gay, I'm bisexual, the only problem is.....Phil isn't. I'm not surprised, of course Phil isn't gay, or bisexual, or whatever. He could have any girl in the world, rather than a British YouTuber that's been in love with him for ages.

"Dan.....they're pressuring us....its scaring me......."

"Think of all the fans that just want us to be happy...and enjoy just us making videos for them....the gentle side of the Phandom"

He smiled, but I could tell it was going to be bothering him for a while. I just had to figure out a way to get his mind off of it.

"Why don't we go play Mario Cart? How does that sound?

That immediately brightened up his mood. Mario Cart always made him happy. We played a few matches, and battles too, he won all but one.

"Aw man! I would've if you weren't such a cheater!" He whined.

"I don't cheat" I said poking him in the side.

He squeaked. "Yeah you did! You summoned help from the Mario Cart Gods" he said poking me back.

"Mario Cart Gods? What the fuck? How the hell would I summon Mario Cart Gods?" I laughed poking him again.

He giggled. I continued to poke him, it was fun, he giggled and squirmed on the sofa, he was so adorable, and so was his laugh.

"Dan! Enough, I have to make dinner!" He laughed.

"Fine! But I'll attack you later when you least expect it!"

"Oh no! I'm so scared!" He said in mock horror "Danny is gonna poke me" he blushed realising what he just said.

"....Phil? What did you just say?" I said, slowly getting closer to him.

"I-it was nothing" he stuttered.

"Phil" I sang

"Dan! I really have to make dinner!" He said backing away.

He was about to walk away but I tackled him.

"GAH! DAN!? Do you want dinner or not!?"

"Phil? What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything! Let me up!"

"Are you sure?" I asked


I started poking at his stomach. If there was any way to get it out of him, this was a surefire way.

"Ahhhaha! H-hey! Dahahan! Stohohop!" He giggled

"Not until you tell me what you said!"

Fihihine! I cahahalled yohou Dahahanny!" He laughed

I let him up.

"Was that so hard?" I had a smug grin on my face.

"Yeah! Whatever! Shut up!" A small blush started to creep up on his face.

"Whatever you say! Philly!" I said, which made his fave turn a darker shade of red.

He turned around and went to go make dinner, so I went upstairs to edit the video. Phil was probably the cutest person I've ever seen, well, besides Pikachu, but Pikachu was a Pokemon and Phil was human. The most adorable human in the entire universe.

"Dan!!" Phil called "Dinner is ready!!!

"Okay!! I'll come down when I finish editing!!" I shouted back

I heard silence, then Adventure Time on the TV. I finished my editing and wandered to the kitchen. I looked over to the lounge where Phil was sitting. This would be the perfect time to prank him I thought to myself.

"Phil, can you help out with something?" I called, while quietly putting on the Amazing Phil mask.

I went behind the counter and listened to his footsteps.

"Dan?" He yelled

I jumped up "Aaaaaaaah!!!!!!"

"Gaaaahhh!!!!! DAN!!!" He shouted, laughing after "I hate you!!" He laughed.

I wandered into the lounge laughing. I was about to sit on the sofa but I missed landing on the floor, causing us to laugh even harder.

"Dammit" I laughed.

Phil was trying hard not to fall over himself.

"Oh my God Dan! Guess I'm not the clumsy one after all" he said plopping onto the sofa.

"Yeah whatever" I said blushing.

"Awwww is Danny boy blushing?" He mocked.

He blushed at what he just said, but it faded, as he started getting confident.

"...Phil? What did you just call me?" I asked, the blush still hot on my face. I was the embarrassed one now.

"Danny boy. I kinda like it, it has a nice ring to it" he laughed "Danny boy" he said in a Scottish accent.

I laughed. He was an idiot, but he was an adorable idiot.

"You're not allowed to call me that in public" I said laughing still.

"I'm gonna just because you said that!" He said trying to look evil but completely failing.

I laughed at his attempt. "Nope! You're not allowed to!"

"Danny boy!!" He mocked me.

"Oh my god Phil! Shut up!" I said, we were both laughing hard, and Phil was almost falling off the sofa.

"Haha fine! I gotta go do a video anyway!" He said getting up. "I'll see you in the morning!"

"Alright! Night Phil!"

A/n AND THAT ENDS THE VERY FIRST CHAPTER!!! I hope you all enjoyed this very first chapter, and if you didn't, well I'm not a fucking mind reader. By the way, I do not write smut. I'm sorry, I won't publish it. Any who, I hope you liked it, and I'll talk to you guys again in the next chapter!

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