Chapter 2

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Phil's POV
I wandered upstairs to my room. I set up my cameras and lights with the constant thought of my sexuality. (That's right!! Already questioning it in the second chapter!) I know that I'm straight, but the way Dan and I were a few hours ago, maybe were something more. Whatever Phil! In your dreams! I thought to myself. I can't be gay, my parents would kill me, whether I lived with them or not. This was hurting my brain, so I did something easier, I turned on the camera and talked to my subscribers.

"Hey guys!! So tomorrow is 'best friends' day and I wanted to do something special for our good friend Daniel! I'm pretty stumped at the moment so if you guys commented some ideas, that would be awesome, and I'd be forever grateful.....well....maybe not forever. I'd probably let it go sometime...but anyway, a BIG THANK YOU in advance!!!"

I droned on and on about different things but eventually I did turn the camera off. The thoughts about the "Phandom" were still in my head, the part that bothered me most is how Dan is so cool about it, like he doesn't care. If I were to like him he'd just turn me down. Dan is my best friend in the whole entire universe, and if this small feeling I have intensifies, there could be some serious problems. I pushed those thoughts away and started editing the video,not took 2 hours, but it was finally done, all I had to do was upload it. I looked at the clock. 9:30. It wasn't too late, but our video deadline was usually 10. I decided to upload it anyways and hoped for the best. It was pretty late, so I decided to go to sleep. Skipping out on reading my Attack on Titan manga book.

Dan's POV
I scrolled through Tumblr, seeing all the Phandom posts really made me happy, even if Phil and I weren't going to be together, I still got to dream, plus being part of his life is one of the best parts about mine. I saw some posts about 'Best Friends Day' being tomorrow and I was completely out of ideas. I scrolled until I found the perfect idea. I smiled to myself, and then decided to get some rest, considering the fact that it was almost 4 in the morning.

~~~~~~~~~~TIME CHANGE ~~~~~~~~~~~
(Still Dan's POV)
I woke up to the scent of pancakes, as I made my way to the lounge, the flat got more and more colorful. I walked into the kitchen to see Phil flipping pancakes and watching the waffle maker. I took a peek at the lounge to see a 'HAPPY BEST FRIENDS DAY DANIEL' banner hanging in above the mantle. In the lounge there was a slight scent of cinnamon. I couldn't stop smiling, Phil did all of this for me!! I fangirled to myself. On the inside of course. I walked into the kitchen with a big smile on my face.

"Phil? Do you do all of this for me?"

"Of course! Today is best friends day and I wanted to do something really special for you!" He smiled

"Thanks" I returned the smile.

"Oh! I have a present for you!!!" He shouted running to grab something g behind the sofa. He returned with a small box. "Come on now! Open it!"

When I did I couldn't believe my eyes. Inside the box there was a small container of malteasers, a Jake The Dog mini plushie, AND a Legend Of Zelda Triforce necklace.

"Oh my god THANK YOU PHIL!! Thank you! Thank you thank you!" I wrapped him in a hug, he was my best friend after all, so I guess you could say "no homo" but literally, all the homo.

"You're welcome Dan"

I was probably blessed and cursed with this human, but he was definitely a gift either way!

"Alright, let's go eat breakfast! Then I'll tell you your surprise!" I said getting up, but also throwing in a wink. (I had to! Inappropriate winking is my favorite Dan Howell fail XD)

Once we finished our pancakes, and an awful lot of nagging from Phil, I let him know my evil plan for the day!

"Today we are going to all of your favourite places today!"

"All of them? Will we have enough time?"

"Not if you don't get your arse in the shower now!" I said laughing.

He laughed and started making his way up to his room. I quickly ran up to my room using dry shampoo since Phil was in the shower, and it was the fastest way of getting ready. By the time Phil was downstairs we were both ready to go. Phil and I were on our way to the London Eye.

A/n Yay Chapter 2 is finished! Not as playful as the last chapter, but still cute. This chapter is a bit shorter than the last, but not by much. I really hope you enjoyed this one! And again! I'll talk to you in the next chapter! XD

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