Chapter 9

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Dan's POV (a/n this is most of the chapter...this is for you Dan girls! Jk XP)
I was hours away from changing the future. I was so excited on the outside, but a nervous wreck on the inside. There was always the possibility that Phil could say 'no' and leave me forever. Or I could end up rushing this and 4 years could be too short of a time. Or I could mess up what I say and confuse him! For now I guess I'll have to think on the positive side, after all, he's been my best friend since 2009. All I need to to is put faith into our relationship and hope that I dont fuck this up.

~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~~
When Phil and I got to the fair, it was bigger and better than I imagined. It seemed that there were more rides and more games. Which was a perfect way to keep Phil busy till it got dark and they turned the ferris wheel lights on.

"Alright Phil, what do you want to do first?"

" about The Thunderbolt? It seems like a nice start"

And so we went.

~~~~~~Le time skip again~~~~~~
We went on so many rides and played so many games. It was amazing, although we didn't go on The Zipper just yet, I knew Phil was going to make me do so.

As we walked around we both started to get hungry and most of the stands here were basically deep fried diabetes, yeah we may be in England, but carnival food will always be carnival food. Eventually we decided to get Funnel Cake because honestly, who doesn't love funnel cake? We sat down in the shade as it was 70° and we didn't want to sit in Satan's torturous heat.

After we finished, we decided to play some games because we didn't want to puke our guts out while on one of the rides. We played ring toss, strength test, and basketball, which was a scam, I could see the bent hoops, until we had no more space in the back pack for anymore prizes. By now we were sure that everything was going to be okay and no one was going to get sick on a ride, we decided to wait in line for The Zipper. It took about 10 HOURS (a/n I know it really doesn't take this long, but it felt like this when I was in line ;-; ) before it was finally our turn to get on. Honestly, it was an insanely fun ride, although Phil probably couldn't tell if I was having a good time or not because I was screaming the whole entire time. Now it was my get Phil on the Super shot! (A/n for those of you who don't know, the Super shot is a ride that takes you high up into the air slowly and them drops down into free fall, slowly stopping at the bottom thinking you're about to die, but you're not ;) )

Phil was super reluctant at first, but when we were on he seemed confident (just you wait Philly >=] ) When we got to the top Phil was about to say something, but it was soon replaced with his screams as we dropped to our "death". I couldn't stop laughing once we got off, he looked terrified, needless to say, he didn't enjoy it like I did The Zipper.

We went on other rides and talked about random stuff, my hand only leaving his when we absolutely had to. Surprisingly no one cared, which was a stress reliever. It got darker and darker and once they turned the lights on for all of the rides, I ran over to the Ferris Wheel with Phil right behind. I made a mental note. This is going to be your moment Dan, don't fuck it up! As we inched forward in line I got more and more anxious.

"Dan? Are you alright?" Phil had a worried look on his face.

"What? I'm fine! Its just the Ferris Wheel"

It'll also be the worst cringe moment ever if you fuck this up! You won't be able to look at Ferris Wheels the same way ever again if this goes down in flames! I thought to myself.

Phil was still looking at me like I'd said I was about to puke, it did kinda feel like I was, but I was fine. Well, besides all the regret I'll be feeling if this doesn't go well.

We were finally at the front of the line, this was the last ride of the night so it had to be perfect. Phil was looking at all the gorgeous scenery, when all I had to do was look at his adorable face to get the same feeling. He looked so cute when he marveled at all the lights. The view was perfect. As I knew it was going to, it stopped, and we were at the top. Phil was looking around a bit frightened, most likely hoping that we weren't stuck. While Phil was distracted I got out of my seat and got down on one knee, it took him a while to notice, but when he turned to my, his eyes went super wide, which made me giggle.

"Phillip Michael Lester"

"Oh my god...Dan..."

"I love you so much, you're everything to me. All the videos we make together, all of the DAYS we spend together, well..I couldn't imagine a better life. I know I'm a huge dork and a super nerd, but I'm your dork and I'm your nerd" tears were falling down both of our faces. "Phil, would you do me the honor of- WOAH!" the cart started moving again and I was knocked off balance, which made us both start laughing. We were crying, tears of joy of course, but laughing like 2 idiots as well. When it finally stopped and we got off, I was able to finish.

"Take 2!" I laughed and got down on one knee again, on the ground this time. "Phil? Will you marry me?"

"Oh my god YES!!!" he shrieked, I put the ring on his finger and he jumped into my arms. We were both a sobbing mess, but we didn't care, we were a happy sobbing mess!

After the fair we went home and cuddled, watching movies till 1am. Tonight was the best night of my life. I was getting really sleepy and Phil was about to go to sleep so I had to tell him one last thing.


He turned to me sleepily

"This was the most fun, I've ever had"

A/n YASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! JDBDISNDOSMENFINEIDPSJSNIFNEHFISNS!!!!!!!! NOT GONNA LIE...I WAS BAWLING WHEN I WROTE THIS!!! AND THEN THE ENDING AND OMFGASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well....that's the end. BUT WAIT! There will be a summary of the wedding and what happens, that will be the VERY LAST CHAPTER!! Be prepared to cry even more!! XD I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! Have a wonderful night you guys! Good night!

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