Chapter 5

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Dan's POV
I woke up to a loud bang of thunder, I checked my phone.

"4 am, nice" I muttered.

I wandered around in my room, not exactly sure what to do. It was 4 in the morning after all, and there wasn't really much to do. I scrolled through Tumblr for a while until Phil texted me.

Philbean: u up?

Dannyboy: ye I can't sleep hbu

Philbean: stupid rain

Dannyboy: ikr

Philbean: Daaaaannnniiieeelll come cuddle with me

Dannyboy: Phiiiiiiiiilllll get ur ass in here

Philbean: ugh too far away

Dannyboy: too bad then

Philbean: uuuuuugggggghhhhhh fine give me a few min

A/n HEYYYYY!!!! Sorry for the shit chapter but ayyy, i finally updated. Sorry it was late, I'm tryin, but shit happened, oh well. I'm wondering if I should write smut now. I want to, but idk how it would turn out. Btw the chapters are gonna be shorter. I'm thinking I'm gonna include Snapchat too. Pretty sweet eh? No? Well fuck you! Lol, anyways, I shall talk to you all in the next chapter!!! Byyyyeeee!!

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