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"My heart is completely filled with my longing for you-"

Min Yoongi was a man who had never known true struggle. Sure, there were those occasional bumps along his otherwise smooth road, but he'd never truly understood what it was like to be so desperate for something.

So now, when his heart longed for that beautiful sight he'd nearly forgotten, he was overwhelmed with the urge to cry. And he hated it.

Min Yoongi was a man of few emotions, and even fewer words. He didn't express things like joy, or grief, or even rage. He stayed in a state of something that resembled content, on occasion discontent.

He found all else distracting and unnecessary. To him, if it did not directly relate to his personal well-being, or the state of his work, it was unworthy to be acknowledged. Yoongi thought himself a simple man, who required little to satisfy and needed only the simplest of things to remain in his constant state of content.

He'd made his life comfortable and never wanted for things.

However, this was before that youth, whose image was playing in Yoongi's mind at this very moment.

Now, the man's head spun in circles, searching and asking and wanting.

He wished now for someone to hold him because he felt vulnerable. Like there was a part of him missing, and like a gaping whole was torn through him. It was cold all around and he wished for that one person who would come to fill up the empty space.

To Yoongi, love was an abstract idea, based on accounts from dreamers and people who were lost. People who relied on others to live. He did not deny attraction, more like he simply based it on science because then, there was a reason.

He needed a reason for everything, that was his principle.

This, no matter what Yoongi thought, was an occasion where there was not a reason. Only love: that abstract concept that drove him crazy, to the point where he considered consulting a professional.

But at this moment, he couldn't afford that. So instead he dialed the number of a close friend, whose experience was far more rich than his own.


"I need your help, hyung."


is this boring?

if it is, i'm sorry.

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