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"Right now I want to run to you-"

It was a slow day at the shop, and Yoongi found that silence was becoming his enemy. Anytime he'd space out, there was a high possibility of that smile working its way into his mind, becoming more and more tangible until he found himself imaging the boy's soft looking hair beneath his fingertips.

It took three large coffees and three random albums blaring over the store's audio system to snap him out of it.

He was in the middle of a caffeine rush when the phone rang. He jumped in surprise, hand swiping across the counter. He knocked over a large stack of CDs and those crashed into a smaller pile of vinyls. Yoongi cursed, rushing to the phone. "What," he bit out harshly.

"Aw, did I catch you at a bad time?"


"Anyways, your dad would like you to come visit. He wants us to have dinner as a family. You know how he is, he won't take no for an answer so you better not ditch this. It'll break his heart."

"Mom, chill, I'll come. When should I be there?"

"Just come when you get off work. Wait- I gotta go, your dad dropped the groceries in the driveway."


The day was winding down, people out on the streets walked leisurely, groups of high school kids laughed and chatted, old ladies walked small dogs. The sun was just beginning its descent and the yellowish-gold light caught particles of dusk in its rays as it spilled into Yoongi's shop.

The smell of coffee from the break room lingered and there was a nice homey atmosphere. Yoongi smiled to himself as he gathered his few belongings. His shop was his favorite place as of late. Ever since Seokjin had told him of a place to buy quality furnishings for a low price, he'd been slowly filling up his shop.

He owned a very small, very modest music store. He had everything from classics to new age of every genre. Tall shelves lined the walls and were filled with the various tracks. He'd decided he wanted his store to be a place where people could relax and appreciate the works of a wide range of artists.

This place was just that.

His customers consisted of everyone from teenage girls who worshiped pretty idols and boy bands, to older, more mature patrons who enjoyed conversation. There were tables, small tables, situated near the windows so people could enjoy natural lighting. The front of the shop, where the seating arrangements were, allowed food and beverage as long as you were careful. On the rare occasion something went wrong, compensation would be needed to repair or replace what was damaged.

Music players sat on each table and a set of headphones, CDs used would have to be registered with Yoongi before use, just in case someone tried to steal from him.

Overall, he'd made a nice place. It was his pride and joy.

So yes, he smiled at his shop, his baby.

When the lock clicked and he was sure it was safe, he spun the keys in his hand and shoved them into his pocket. He was whistling a little tune that stuck in his head, upbeat and chipper.

It continued on, even as he was driving to his parents' house. Though, as he parked in front of the yard, confused as to why there was already a car in the spot he usually parked, it died down.

His whole mood turned withdrawn and somber.

Even as his dad pulled him into a tight hug and his mother kissed his forehead. He couldn't bring himself to smile and chat as they sat down to dinner.

She smiled at him from across the table. She'd introduced herself, all smiles and soft spoken words. Kim Nari, she'd said, blushing.

Kim Nari liked music too, said his father. She studies traditional literature and music, said his mother. She's an honor student, beloved by all.

Sure, Kim Nari was pretty, gorgeous even. But she was no mysterious, smiling boy.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop himself from comparing the two.

When she smiled, it was controlled, pleasant. It didn't bring him absolute joy, it didn't let loose a thousand moths into his stomach. He didn't feel electricity when their hands brushed against each other. There was no heavy, heavy beat of his heart and breathing was as easy as it always had been.

Kim Nari was like a porcelain doll. Fragile and unreal. Too unreal.

But Yoongi managed to be nice. He politely shot down her flirting and made it known that he didn't like to be touched.

He purposefully avoided the watchful eyes of his parents and asked Mr. Kim if he wanted more water.

"Yoongi, sit down and eat. You've barely touched your food," scolded his mother.

He looked down and muttered something like, "I had a big lunch."

Mr. Kim laughed, loud and hearty. "Leave the poor boy alone, he looks exhausted." Yoongi decided he liked Mr. Kim.

"Yeah, mom, I'm tired... I think I'll head out now." She frowned at her son.

Before she could say anything, Mrs. Kim stood from her chair, smiling. "Nonsense, you should spend sometime with your parents, Yoongi. Your mother talks non-stop about you. I think I'd be best if we headed out anyways, Nari has school in the morning and we need to check on our sons."

They'd exchanged goodbyes and the Kims were gone, but not before Nari snuck a note and a kiss on the cheek to Yoongi.

She blushed, and ran out the door to her parents.

Yoongi just sighed and used his sleeve to wipe the sticky gloss from his face. He heard his dad's low chuckle behind him and he turned, a glare on his face.

"I take it she was too pretty for you," Mr. Min joked.

He just walked into the kitchen as his dad laughed and yelled after him, "They have a son about your age too!"

Yoongi flushed red at the fact that his dad was trying to set him up with anyone available. Why couldn't he just have normal parents?

He leaned against his mother as she wiped the table down. She chuckled and jostled him with her movements. "Y'know, their son, Taehyung, is pretty cute too. He's even better looking than Nari."

Yoongi left for home with a frown and reluctantly reciprocated hugs.


this is super long...

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