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"I wonder what you're doing-"

Yoongi had to fight the urge to doze off. He had a new shipment of music coming in, the latest releases and a few things that his regulars requested, and he needed to be awake to sign for it, and to receive the stuff.

He also ordered a new neck pillow, he was most excited for that.

The more he stood there, music playing softly in the background and the smell of coffee brewing, the more he found the task impossible. Several times he'd smacked his face on the counter or table, and he tripped walking into the break room.

It was about noon when the bells on the door chimed, a tall guy walked in happily. He seemed to be a student, taking into account the large backpack he was carrying. Not a high school kid, it was during school hours.

College kid, maybe?

Either way, Yoongi picked himself up and greeted him. The boy said hello and smiled widely.

Yoongi thought of how it was a very cute smile, it even resembled a box.

This kid didn't look like the type to steal from him so he shuffled across the carpeted floor into the back room for yet another cup of coffee. But not before offering his customer some as well.

"Would you like some coffee? You'll have to stay in the seating area to drink it though..." He thought for a minute if he had anything else to offer. "Or would you like water?"

The guy looked surprised at Yoongi's hospitality before replying that he preferred water to coffee.

It was colder in the back room so he shivered a little as he poured coffee into the plain white mug. Without any creamer or sugar, he took a cautious sip, relishing in the way the hot liquid made him feel warm throughout.

Just when he'd thought maybe he wasn't attached to the fleeting image of that boy he saw, that smile popped into his head.

Lately, Yoongi had been seeing the boy in every aspect of his life. He saw him in the morning light that woke him, it made his mornings enjoyable.

He saw him in his coffee, found himself comparing the darkness of it to the boy's hair color.

He often found himself wondering what he did when he was bored. And what it would be like to be bored with that boy.

On more that one occasion he'd pictured himself holding the other's hand, feeling the nerves in his body going haywire as millions of moths flapped their wings in his abdomen.

This usually ended in his crashing into something or blushing madly and ducking under things to hide just in case someone happened to see.

Yoongi was started to think he had a problem.

He tried to calm his erratic heart, the sound reverberated within his head, and grabbed a water bottle out of the little fridge next to the counter.

He had to grit his teeth as a splash of coffee landed on his hand when he stood back up. At least the sting helped to pull his head out of the clouds. He was beginning to worry about getting stuck there.

Upon walking out into the front of the store, he saw the guy standing on his toes and stretching to reach a CD on one of the higher shelves. Yoongi laughed, setting the drink down on a table after he crossed the room. He went to the counter, reached behind it and pulled out a step stool. He was on the shorter side and often had problems so of course he'd keep something like a stool just in case.

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