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"If only I could, my two feet would already be carrying me to you-"

The place smelled like cake and it made Taehyung's mouth water, but he resisted the temptation to march over to the counter and order something. Yoongi followed after him, hands deep into his pockets to hide the fact that they wouldn't stop shaking. The amount of nerves he was feeling was unhealthy. He felt like dying.

They picked a booth in the corner, in front of large windows that overlooked the same street Yoongi saw every day when he was at work. It was busy again and the crowd moving past somewhat eased his nerves. He found himself wonder what the other looked like from up close. There was no way a simple picture could do him any justice.

His palms sweat nervously at the idea of seeing someone he'd only ever thought about. It was like he was seeing an idol for the first time, the giddiness and disbelief welled up in his chest and made his face feel warm.

Taehyung tried to say something to him, but Yoongi was too caught up in staring out onto the sidewalk, watching every face that wasn't blurred in the afternoon rush. A small child being led my his mother, a dog and its owner waiting at the intersection, a young teenage couple who stared at each other like they were something to last forever. Maybe they were, Yoongi didn't know, nor would he like to. He's had a fair share of crushes, boys and girls, that nothing really ever came of. It was a little sad to think of, but that was a part of being young, he supposes.

Seokjin sat beside Yoongi, gave his shoulder a heavy pat, and looked to Taehyung. "Is he going to show up?" The blonde perked his ears to the conversation of the two, but kept his eyes on the window.

"Yes, he'll be here soon, we don't live too far."

He bit his lip, heart pounding away like it would never stop. He could almost hear the blood rushing through his ears if he focused hard enough.

It was not even five minutes later that a head of floppy black hair came bounding up to the front of the cafe, hands delved deep into his own pockets of baggy sweats. His tattered sneakers and loose fitting tee made him look relaxed and Yoongi knew that this, this person, was everything he wanted.

There was no pristine aura, or anything that made him feel like he had to be anything other than himself. There was a sort of homey feel that surrounded him. He hadn't even stepped inside, was not even in range to see Yoongi quite yet, but he'd already gotten his hopes up.

"He's here," Taehyung yells when Hoseok finally steps through the door. The male's head snaps up and focuses past Yoongi, onto his friend. He thinks Taehyung gives a signal to Hoseok because with a confused expression, chocolate brown eyes slip onto his face, widening with surprise.

They stare at each other for what seems like forever and Yoongi thinks he's forgotten how to breathe. His lungs have constricted to make room for how big his heart seems to swell. He wants to say something, anything, to the boy standing only a few feet away from him, but words seem like a luxury when he can't even supply his brain with oxygen.

"How... Tae?" And once Hoseok looks away, Yoongi is overwhelmed. He wants to keep staring but forces his eyes down, onto the red leather of the booth. He is still aware of things, the smell of cake and Seokjin's fancy cologne. The clinking of silverware against glass dishes.

"Hobi! This is my new friend, his name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi. It's a nice name, right?" Taehyung is smiling, his voice gives him away.

There's too many beats of silence and his elation turns into self-doubt and insecurity. What if Seokjin was right? What if this stranger didn't want to have anything to do with him? Now he's taking in too much air at once, lungs straining under sudden pressure. His face is definitely bright red, he curses his pale skin, and his ears too. He just wants to disappear, afraid that he's been too excited for a moment that could mean nothing.

That is until a golden toned hand crosses his vision, extended outwards toward him. His hands are big, though still smaller than his, and not delicate like his own. It's all happening in slow motion, from the moment he begins to look up to the boy who he now sees is actually taller than him, to when he extends his own, their fingers locking together and Yoongi hopes Hoseok doesn't notice how incredibly sweaty they are. His chest actually hurts and millions of butterflies and moths battle for space in his stomach and up into his throat. He doesn't feel real, nor does the strong grip the other has on his hand.

Yoongi is taken aback when he's greeted with a warm smile and sparkling eyes. "Hello, Min Yoongi, I'm Taehyung's friend."

He suddenly pulled straight out of any dream-like state and is fully aware that this is, in fact, happening. He really is holding this person's hand, can really feel his warm skin against his own coldness. He's crash-landed into unknown territory, reeling from it and he might vomit, he thinks. He feels a bony elbow nudge into his side and Seokjin says something like, 'Don't just stand there'.

However, that's all he's able to do. Until he awkwardly says, "I know." 

Seokjin slaps a palm to his forehead, the sharp sound snapping Yoongi from his awe and he takes his hand back.

"I-I mean, Taehyung has told me about you, before, when he came to my shop."

This time, Hoseok is the one who blushes, "Really?"

Yoongi finds that this color is perfect on him, he wants to see more of it. He nods, testing out a smile that isn't too wavering.


Hoseok isn't quite what Yoongi pictured him to be that day he first saw him. He doesn't seem the least bit delicate, he's quite manly and a little intimidating. He stands with a knowing swagger than exudes modest confidence. His voice his lighter - not higher- and more nasal. Yoongi feels small now. All three of the males in his company are taller than him. He is also the most slim of them. In the presence of them, he feels almost feminine.

He clears his throat, trying to calm his beating heart, and motions to the last seat in the booth, next to Taehyung. "Why don't you have a seat?"

Hoseok blushes again, nodding. Yoongi thinks maybe Hoseok isn't as intimidating afterall.



so, i finally wrote something. i feel like it's not that good but i've had terrible writer's block for the longest time.

i am probably ending this soon. it wasn't meant to be very long in the first place.

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