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"I want to be by your side from the time the sun sets until it rises in the morning-"

Yoongi glared up at Seokjin. "Why can't you just be supportive of me? Just once, can't you just cheer me on instead of being so negative?"

The elder sighed, wishing he'd never said anything to begin with.

It wasn't that he didn't support his friend, he just didn't want him to get hurt. He wanted to cheer him on and jump around in happiness with his friend because in all honesty, Yoongi really did deserve to be happy.

He's always been so reserved with his feelings, never letting anyone in. It took so long for Yoongi to even be comfortable around Seokjin. If he hadn't of been as persistent as he was, he would have never gotten to know the blond and been such close friends with him.

Yoongi has said himself, he'd never experienced love, not like this at least, and that put such worry in Seokjin's heart. What would he do if this boy wasn't anything like what he was expecting?

He could get hurt and Seokjin doesn't think Yoongi could take such a blow.

"Listen, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, but I'm just saying you should try and be more realistic."

Yoongi scoffed at him, folding his arms across him chest, coffee long forgotten. "I'm not a child Jin, I think I can handle my own feelings."

"Yeah, sure, but what if it turns out you can't?" Seokjin tried to stay level headed, he was supposed to be the mature one of the two. "I just don't want you-"

"I'm not going to break, Seokjin!"

Both their eyes widened, Yoongi never yelled. There were times when he got frustrated and annoyed, angry even, but he never yelled. The younger's face colored as he realized that this was worse than he thought. He didn't show emotions like this, it just wasn't what he did.

"J-just calm down, okay?" Seokjin says as Yoongi's face is filled with an emotion he can't quite place. He slumps down onto the high stool behind the counter and hangs his head. "It'll be fine, just take some deep breaths and I'll get you some water."

As the elder walks into the back room, he smacks himself in the head. He didn't mean to get Yoongi all worked up like that, he didn't even think that was possible from the other. He'd never seen anything like that from him, and it worried him.

Sometimes, Seokjin wished he could turn off this side of him, the one that tried to take care of everyone, whether they wanted his help or not. Clearly, it wasn't needed this time, as Yoongi had said. He couldn't help it though, it was just his nature. His mother raised him to be caring and considerate.

He grabbed the water, trying to calm himself down by focusing on the way it felt in his palm as he left the back room. If Yoongi saw how his outburst had affected him, he would feel worse than he does now. That wouldn't be good for either of them seeing as they are both overwhelmed at the moment.

When Seokjin returns, he sees his friend staring down at the small square of photo paper. The look on his face is one he hasn't seen before and he thinks that maybe this whole mystery boy ordeal isn't as bad as he thought. Yoongi's eyes are so focused that he doesn't see Seokjin as he walks up.

The older leans against the counter, smiling down at his friend.

Both are snapped out of their daze as the door opens, the bells above it ringing lightly. "Hello," chirps a boy who looks like he just woke up.

His light hair is scooped into a snapback that is sitting backwards on his head. Day old eyeliner is smudged under his eyes and his jacket is wrinkled. He doesn't look bad, just tired.

He smiles widely at both of them and Seokjin ignores the way his heart jumped at the cute sight.

"You said my order came in?" Yoongi nods slowly and reaches behind him, setting the little photo face up on the counter. It only takes a minute before the boy looks at the photograph and he bursts out with, "Hey! Why do you have a picture of my best friend?"

Yoongi freezes and its like slow motion as he turns around. "W-what?"

The boy picks up the square and examines it closely. "Yeah, this is definitely Hoseok, I'd know his horse face anywhere." Yoongi clenches his jaw tightly at the boy's choice of description. "This was taken last night, too!"

Yoongi and Seokjin share a look of disbelief. "Really?"

The boy nods, "Yeah! Today is his birthday actually, we celebrated last night- technically this morning- when he got off of work. He even cried," the boy chuckled fondly.

Seokjin freezes as well, because he knows this voice, this boy. He also knows Jung Hoseok.

"Wait, are you Kim Taehyung?"

The boy nods, perplexed, until his face slowly fills with recognition. "You're his boss, from the restaurant!" Taehyung smiles again and jogs around to Seokjin's side of the counter, squishing the older boy into a big hug.

All the while, Yoongi gapes at Seokjin.

"Thanks so much," Taehyung gushes as he pulls away, "he really needed this break from work, he's always so tired."

"Uh, sure, no problem..." He's still trying to wrap his head around this new situation. He doesn't even know how he didn't recognize his best employee. Sure, he hasn't been down to the restaurant in a while because he trusts Namjoon to take care of things, but he couldn't see how he could forget Jung Hoseok.

Suddenly, he's okay with Yoongi going after his love.


an update real quick cause its 6:30 am here and I gotta get ready to go clean up a classroom and help out some teachers...

i've only got two weeks left of break until I have to go back to school...

once school comes around, i won't be updating much because i'm in an extracurricular that requires me to be there an hour before school and an hour and a half after school. also, my mom wants me to be in national honor society, so I hope the same thing that happened to my anime fanfics doesn't happen to these fics...

anyways, that's enough ranting, later y'all

anyways, that's enough ranting, later y'all

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